Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mocking Rick Santorum's pain for his dead baby is despicable. Rectify your evilness. NOW!

It is a rule for all the members of the sipmac team not to write or speak about their personal lives in any of our blogs. We’re bloggers, not divas. In the libertarian sense, we feel we don’t need no badge to be considered with the same rights as journalists, specially if we follow the same rules. Two hundred years ago, no journalist asked the state for permission to publish (their publications just got closed when they became uncomfortable enough).

But I digress. I will make an exception for the “personal live rule” today because I want to use this modest podium to energically protest the unspeakable way the mainstream press in the USA is cruelly mocking the way presidential hopeful Rick Santorum handled with her wife the death of their baby Gabriel a few years ago.

You may disagree with Santorum’s ideology, but this mockery is way beyond the line. It is pure depravity distilled. For people that claim to be sensitive, that take pride in their alleged empathy, it is truly their lowest point in their careers so far. It happened before with Trig, Sarah Palin’s son with Down syndrome, now it happens to a baby that was born alive but died after two hours.

As a father whose only son died two days after being born, words fail me to describe the disgust and the ire I feel reading and watching those considering themselves the voice of reason, more sophisticated than those clinging-to-their-guns-and-their-religion "troglodytes", but somehow petty and dishonest enough to score a paltry and shallow political victory by demeaning and defiling the pain a grieving father feels, just because he is a political adversary.

It is not a story about cultural divide. It is a story about how partisan journalists won’t stop at virtually nothing to advance their agendas and destroy their perceived enemies.

The end justifies the means. Is this your creed? Is this the way you want to get Obama reelected?

Shame on you!
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.