Thursday, May 24, 2012

Finally, someone in the left is trying to make the leftists live to their own set of rules...

Scumbag Male Chauvinistic Pig
Nikki Haley and S.E. Cupp prove that the left is OK with misogyny. As long as the woman is a conservative or Republican, baby, she had it coming (according to the left). It happens everytime with so-called liberals demeaning women with a different worldview... and getting away with it (and with the applause of the liberal women).

Therefore I congratulate Sandra Fluke and Planned Parenthood for their rapid response to Larry Flynt's lame attempt at ingratiation with their liberal peers when he decided to share with the world his vision of making his enemy S.E. Cupp shut up: with a phallus. He might see this as satire, but damn it if it doesn't look like male chauvinistic pig sexism.

NOW and NARAL involvement in these stories? Voting present. Both organisations seem to protect only the rights of orthodox feminists.

Rachael Larimore and XX Factor from deserve the kudos, too; for denouncing the obvious and notorious flaw in the behavior of Bill Maher, Alec Baldwin, David Letterman and several other misogynists that get a free pass because of their "progressive" views.

A good way to start this "agree to disagree"  and "civil tone" thing.
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.