Friday, June 10, 2011

South Park: Parker and Stone just don't care anymore

The equal-opportunity offenders finally cave in. Liberals have won at last. As simply as that. If Trey Parker and Matt Stone drew a lot of controversy with the "200" and "201" episodes, it was because they wanted to show they still got it. They have just simply become too lazy after 15 years, and yes, gazillions of dollars to care still about consistency with their award-winning, long-running cartoon sitcom juggernaut "South Park".

Let me explain myself: In a cartoon in which one of the main characters, Kenny, have experienced death no less than 54 times, there was still a spirit of order, besides pissing off every single group of interest, from sexual minorities to disabled persons al the way up to Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives: "I hate conservatives, but I f&%$ hate liberals", that was their meme.

It has been so many strikes since then, let's review some of them:
1. Margaritaville, Season 13 Ep. 3: the solution to the Great Recession is spending your way out of it with Keynes... er, Kyle's platinum card. Really? I have some dot-com stocks I want to sell you, Matt and Trey.

2. Dances With Smurfs, Season 13 Ep. 13: They don't have to watch what Glenn Beck says on TV (well, not anymore), but they used as material only what Beck's enemies had to offer. Not to mention the unfair treatment of the TEA Party, that shares more values of the original series than any other movement. It looks like Parker and Stone were suspiciously jealous of Beck and the TEA Party stealing from them their irreverent style...

3. "T.M.I.", Season 15 Ep. 4: again, cheap shots are expected, but this... Hey! maybe they were finally co-opted by the Hollywood Liberal Machine!

4. "Insheeption", Season 14 Ep. 10: Somehow, the creators of South Park got away with plagiarism... er, lifting entire lines from a parody of "Inception" by CollegeHumor. They didn't even bother to download the movie! Talk to me about laziness!

And last not least, "You're Getting Old", midseason's finale. It looks like the creators of South Park don't want to be seen together anymore, and that things can work out between a normal, well-adjusted guy that happens to be a Jew, and a sociopathic bigot. Maybe in South Park's finale Cartman and Kyle will grow old enough to get married!

It would make enough sense as anything else in that surreal universe...
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.