Friday, June 17, 2011

Not a hint of dignity left for Anthony Weiner

Anthony Weiner’s original intentions were to deliver a quiet, standard politician resignation address. But this time the scorned wife (a detail most Weiner apologists like to forget) was nowhere in sight (we’re still waiting for her take on Weinergate, too). And after two weeks of non-stop humiliation being the butt of countless jokes and while the embarrassing photos kept on coming, the final nail in the coffin was about to get hammered: The Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was more than ready to strip him of most of his congressional duties. If he was going to become a zero in Congress, the only way out was to resign immediately.

Well, he always could have announced he was switching parties (that would have really pleased the Democrats), but Republicans would have never accepted such pile of troubles. Well, things could have turned different if the Republican majority in the House of Representatives wasn’t so overwhelming. Otherwise Pelosi & Co. would have circled the wagons around him. In other words, it wasn’t only that his situation was desperate, he was disposable. Even the New York district where he was elected was bound to disappear.

Huma Abedin still keeps his low profile and is foremost the real victim in this case. Even if Weiner did not meet the six women he was sexting on the ‘net, he was cheating on her. That’s the hypocrisy Larry Flynt wows to keep fighting by hiring Weiner. Yep, no Current TV or CNN gig for the Weiner. Barbara Walters is right: Weiner has never held another job in his entire adult life.

Larry Flynt unspecified offer matches the congressional salary plus medical benefits plus relocation expenses. And he’s dead serious. At least more serious than heartbroken Hugh Heffner, who deluded himself into believing that at his 85 years he’s still a divine gift to women and his moneybags and powerful connections do not have something to do with it. Crystal Harris, who were 60 years his junior, called the wedding off less than a week she was set to walk the aisle (in white, no less). Now she already made history by making a fool of the founder of a media empire specialized in stripping women naked.

Is it then to wonder the way former congressman Weiner was heckled at his press conference? Weiner is toast. He is a goner. He can get no respect. After Joey Bottafouco there wasn’t until now such a case of a pathetic walking punch line. Even Bill Clinton managed to get a life after Zippergate and Monica Lewinsky.

And this is the man Larry Flynt wants to hire to denounce hypocrisy…
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.