Friday, November 5, 2010

HotAirPundit: Michael Moore Puts Democrats on Probation: "If You...

"If You Move One More Inch to the Center or To The Right, You Will Never Get Our Vote Again", said Moore on the Last Word. He is angry with the Dems for not being left wing enough, says about Republicans: 'I secretly admire them, because they are ruthless, and go straight for the killing."

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Didn't know that Michael; in fact, that's the image Dr. sipmac always had of the extreme left (witness Stalin, Pol Pot, Ceaucescu and a very long et cetera). I should have known about your commie remarks and beyond pinko background when I saw your TV show called "The awful truth". It was a lot of fun then, but not now.

nyway, I think you'll be more disappointed than you wish any time soon. And you should do something with your obesity, fatboy. You look like a... greedy capitalist pig!
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.