Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Shellacked" by the Republicans? Obama, go ask Mr. Penn "crisis manufacturer"

In a way that nobody, absolutely nobody in their right mind and with a conscience can condone or justify, the Democratic pollster Mark Penn appeared on MSNBC’s "Hardball" offering his "advice" to a self-described "shellacked" Obama on how to recover lost ground with public opinion, after November 2 elections, nonchalantly released his pearl of wisdom: Bill Clinton reconnected with the American nation after his speech on the attack in Oklahoma City, so Obama needs a similar situation to do the same.

What a sick, perverted bastard! Do you think that terrorist attacks are to regain the approval and popularity? Of course Dr. sipmac was not born yesterday (and isn’t as crooked as many people think): there are extremely opportunistic politicians to capitalize on disaster situations, or like Rahm Emanuel, former chief of staff for Obama said:
"Never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean is that it is an opportunity to do things that they could not do before."
What kind of sick fantasy is that of the of the interviewer: like a sinister white knight to rescue him, what Obama needs is a right-wing terrorist to do well again in the public eye (and incidentally, that would tear appart the Tea Party and the Republicans). Penn will not be able to claim candor or having been misunderstood, much less a severe case of stupidity, because he knew what he was saying (he knows it doesn’t take a "real" terrorist to do it): a fire in the Reichstag, just as a gift for Obama.
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.