Monday, January 11, 2010

The incredible and sad story of the candid Elizabeth and the monster John

"Game Change" is the name of the game. A payload of dirt for McCain, Palin, the Clintons, the Edwardeses, and yes, the Obamas. It's coming down fast! The first victims of this avalanche of filth, are, for sure, the children of a lesser god: John and Elizabeth Edwards. For the first time in history, we can watch, word for word, page by page, how a big political campaign imploded, thanks to the hubris and the stupidity of their leading emptyheads. Hey, don't take my word for it! Read it from here, or buy the book.

And the monster? Just read it and weep:
As for Elizabeth Edwards, she is reportedly now urging John to accede to Hunter’s demands and take responsibility for his paternity of Frances Quinn—a dramatic and no doubt painful turnabout from her position eighteen months ago. Confronted then with the Enquirer photo of her husband cuddling Hunter’s baby, she insisted to Palmieri that she still believed he was not the father. “I have to believe it,” Elizabeth said. “Because if I don’t, it means I’m married to a monster."

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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.