Saturday, January 16, 2010

James Cameron, that's it!

Dr. sipmac can barely tolerate that Avatar movie as a three-hour brainwashing process thinly disguised as entertainment. So, why dignify that with a review? Hello! This is not a review. Dr. sipmac is here to remind you that every act of terrorism is despicable and condemnable. A simple definition can be found on

(the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear)
So, say what you want, but the words "againts civilians", "intimidation". "coercion" and "fear" must be ringing a bell for you, or you must be not a human at all. If terrorism is not justifiable at all, then you must react with utter disgust to what James Cameron said to Entertainment Weekly:

EW: “Avatar” is the perfect eco-terrorism recruiting tool.”

JC: Good, good. I like that one. I consider that a positive review. I believe in ecoterrorism.”

Dr. sipmac says then "That's it!". The one and only Mel Gibson got nailed for what he said against the jews, even counting he was being arrested for drunk driving. James Cameron, until I hear or read something different, was sober when he said that. The more guilty he is then for instigating violence. The affix eco is not a free pass for everything, and not for ecoterrorism, either. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is coming, Mr. Cameron. How about a little non-violence to achieve your goals? Or are you just another Machiavelli wannabe? People with the same success and wealth like you have paid (deservedly) dearly for saying things like you said. So, take what you said back and apologize, or sooner or later, you will be held responsible for what you said. Look at the face of that guy at your side. What do you think he is going to do?

Dr. sipmac has ranted

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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.