Thursday, January 14, 2010

Google and censorship: only half of the story

Dr. sipmac enters the minefield! People in the web already knows what is happening with Google, finally fed up with cooperating with the Internet censorship in China. It has something to do with the chinese mid-December ciberattacks, targeting gmail accounts belonging to human rights activists.

If you are accustomed to live in a free society, where fredom of speech is taken for granted, well... you have already sneered at both the cooperation and the ciberattacks. If you live in an authoritarian regime, well... you can only dream of when this is going to stop.

Bad news, people. It is only the beginning, thanks to the politically correct movement (another way to define newspeak) and the hate speech laws, you can be easily labeled and ousted (Hint: just like Soylent Green, hate speech varies from person to person). You just dare to think really different and will see it. And Google already has a lot of 'splainin to do (for what is doing in Germany and France, for instance. Just click the links). Apparently, freedom of speech is good and censorship is bad... easy interchangeable when one of those interferes with your plans.

Dr. sipmac exits the minefield! Or isn't he?

FULL DISCLOSURE: Dr. sipmac blogs at, a division of Google (and he wishes to keep it that way). Don't shut him down!
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.