Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My take: Congratulations Mr. President, but It's really over for all of us

The only thing right today is that moderate Republicans 
don't win presidential elections.

Well, the people have spoken and I'm genuinely surprised — and shattered. Everything I believed was utterly wrong, beginning with that sure as hell "Romney victory" factoid. And if Obama won - he really won - there's isn't much we can do anymore since this is the best we can do. The republican electorate wasn't motivated — it was fired up at its utmost. The despair was at the other side. The positivism for a better future was Romney's, not Obama's.

Well, the people have spoken and I'm genuinely surprised — and shattered. Everything I believed was utterly wrong, beginning with that "polls are wrong" factoid. They were pretty accurate. And now I believe that all what pundits and experts talked about time and demography against Republicans and conservatives is completely true. The left has won its long-term battle. Don't expect big changes in the future, since the european welfare state is what people really want.
And if Obama won - he really won - there's isn't much we can do anymore since this is the best we can do.
Well, the people have spoken and I'm genuinely surprised — and shattered. Everything I believed was utterly wrong, beginning with that "common sense will prevail" factoid. Paul Krugman (Paul Krugman!) wasn't a deluded fool in this case. Elizabeth Warren won her Senate race. Apparently, Massachusetts still owes big time the late Teddy Kennedy and doesn't really care about making up your background and plagiarizing as a lifestyle pays big as long as you're progressive enough. Todd Akin got his just desserts and that's pretty much it. Having half of one of the branches of public power is not enough to stop anything. Kagan and Sotomayor will be known in the future as the "moderate faction" of the new Supreme Court.

Well, the people have spoken and I'm genuinely surprised — and shattered. Everything I believed was utterly wrong, beginning with that "Benghazi will sink Obama" factoid. The MSM won this round, too. They are now entitled to get away with everything they feel they can do. They are not paying the price for their dishonest misdeeds. Why should they? 

I'm giving the political punditry for a long, long while. I might be still right but the electorate said I'm wrong. And I don't want to be right for what it might be coming. Now Obama has all the flexibility he really wanted  — Russia can rush to make that phone call again. Israel is now officially isolated and  Iran can finish that little nuclear program — and any other nation feeling entitled to it, too.

If there's anything we have learned in the past four years, it's that the United States of America can survive a long time without a proper budget. The fiscal cliff and the trillion deficit are still awaiting for an answer that didn't come these last four years. The investment climate is non existent — except for cronies. Obamacare will really take place, America will make full transition to european social democracy (Greece, make some space for America, please) and John G. Roberts has nobody to thank for that but himself.

Yeah, I was wrong when I expected a Republican to win this time. But that won't make the actual problems disappear. People have chosen to made them even worse. 

Brace yourself, Mark Steyn. This is what you were talking about.
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.