Monday, December 3, 2012

The logical conclusion: Now plain antisemitism and old-fashioned racism are trendy again in Harvard

Students in all nine River Houses received sealed invitations under their doors early Friday morning professing to come from “Harvard’s Newest Final Club”—with the inflammatory statements that “Jews need not apply” and “Coloreds OK.”

The enclosed flyer, bearing a crest of a griffin encircled by a laurel wreath, invited recipients to the first introductory punch event of the purported social club “The Pigeon.”

To my astonishment I've found out now it is fashionable and trendy in social networks to show undiluted hatred and mean hostility toward Jews because of "Gaza". I cannot believe my eyes with the level of disinformation showed by teens and young adults about the Israeli-Arab conflict. People I know and I care for inexplicably can't believe that the Palestinians and the Muslims in general are deadly serious about Jew annhilation and the obliteration of the Israeli state. In such an enviroment, it's perfectly understandable why these kind of sick "pranksters" can thrive in Harvard and anywhere else.

Now let the troll-hate-fest begin in the comments section.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oh,Yoko! She is on the loose again: "designs" Butt-Baring Men's Line

Yoko, oh no!
Yoko Ono Introduces Butt-Baring Men's Line: Yoko Ono is still drawing artistic inspiration from her marriage to ex-Beatle John Lennon.

Ono's latest commercial endeavor ties back to sketches she once drew for Lennon of clothing that would, in her words, flatter his "hot bod."

(...) I've already said this years ago and anybody with a brain surviving the sixties can realize that Yoko Ono is a mind-control device of the CIA-developed MK-Ultra program. She was succesfully used to neutralize Lennon's stamina and impetus. The lads took notice of this, and helped stage an elaborated break-up (See, Get Back Sessions). 

(...) When Lennon (already tired of being harassed by the FBI) went out of his 5-year reccess to the recording studio (Ono recorded her "creations" - full of mind control messages for John - with Lennon to deliberate undermine the success of the LPs), she was supposed to be active, but somehow losing grip on him, so they decided to use the 9-B Plan (See, Catcher in the Rye, Stephen King, Male Clone). Mark David Chapman (See, Stephen King, Male Clone) met his mark when they realized The Beatles were pretty close of accepting the 3,000-plus dollars offered by Lorne Michaels to perform on Saturday Night Live. After that, another album and world tour with a second wave of Beatlemania was inveitable. 

(...) These days, the mind control device bides her time with subtly terrorizing/annoying McCartney and exploiting her husband's memory to complete irrelevance (See, Lennon's Character Assassination, Phase 3). 

Excerpts from my not-upcoming book: "The Beatles' Plan 9 From Outer Space: What Really Happened"
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Charlie Sheen declares 'Two and a Half Men' cursed... (with stupidity!)

This show SUCKS
Charlie Sheen declares 'Two and a Half Men' cursed: After "Two and a Half Men" star Angus T. Jones begged us to "please stop watching," former leading man Charlie Sheen has declared the show cursed. "With Angus's Hale-Bopp-like meltdown, it is radically clear to me that the show is cursed," said Sheen, now the star of FX's "Anger Management." Jones, realizing he might have bit the hand that feeds him, released a statement taking back his claim that "Two and a Half Men" is "filth." "I apologize if my remarks reflect me showing indifference to and disrespect of my colleagues and a lack of appreciation of the extraordinary opportunity of which I have been blessed," Jones said. "I never intended that."

These are the dumbest people I've ever seen in showbiz, not very unlike the characters they represent on screen. Does Angus T. Jones really think he is going to get lots and lots of acting gigs after the show is over? Does Charlie Sheen he's qualified to say anything about showbiz at all? What kind of person is Chuck Lorre, so that their employees behave in such a ingrateful way? What's wrong with #winning! millions of dollars since the people still like the show?
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I don't care what you say, bubblegum pop rules!

Are you in the mood for some catchy music? I hope so, and I hope you enjoy the ride. Brush your teeth, sit down and relax!

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rome Burns and the Department of Defense fiddles: US$100,000 on Klingons

HIja', wogh Huch!!!
Report: Defense Department Spent $100,000 on Klingons:

Indeed. Pax Americana is on the way out. Otherwise the Department of Defense wouldn't be spending megabucks in men staring at goats or, as reports:
Research projects that have nothing to do with defense ($6 billion);
Education in the United States ($15.2 billion);
Energy research ($700 million);
Grocery stores in the United States ($9 billion);
Overhead, support, and supply services ($37 billion).

What are some of the worst offenses? Try these on for size:

$100,000 for a “strategy planning workshop on the 100 Year Starship project last year,” which “included an interesting discussion involving the Klingons, a fictional alien species who were villains and then later allies of humanity in the Star Trek series. The session entitled ‘Did Jesus die for Klingons too?’ featured philosophy professor Christian Weidemann of German’s Ruhr-University Bochum”;
An analysis of Twitter users’ slang;
Development of a phone app to tell you when you’re short on caffeine;
Pentagon research on democracy … among fish;
Development of beef jerky roll-ups ($1.5 million);
Study of why men with guns look more masculine;
$40,000 for a contest in locating ten red balloons.

The sequester may be over the top. But clearly somebody needs to take a scalpel to Defense Department spending.
A civilization is in trouble when it focus on superflous things and not the indispensable ones. It's so funny I can't even laugh.
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My take: Congratulations Mr. President, but It's really over for all of us

The only thing right today is that moderate Republicans 
don't win presidential elections.

Well, the people have spoken and I'm genuinely surprised — and shattered. Everything I believed was utterly wrong, beginning with that sure as hell "Romney victory" factoid. And if Obama won - he really won - there's isn't much we can do anymore since this is the best we can do. The republican electorate wasn't motivated — it was fired up at its utmost. The despair was at the other side. The positivism for a better future was Romney's, not Obama's.

Well, the people have spoken and I'm genuinely surprised — and shattered. Everything I believed was utterly wrong, beginning with that "polls are wrong" factoid. They were pretty accurate. And now I believe that all what pundits and experts talked about time and demography against Republicans and conservatives is completely true. The left has won its long-term battle. Don't expect big changes in the future, since the european welfare state is what people really want.
And if Obama won - he really won - there's isn't much we can do anymore since this is the best we can do.
Well, the people have spoken and I'm genuinely surprised — and shattered. Everything I believed was utterly wrong, beginning with that "common sense will prevail" factoid. Paul Krugman (Paul Krugman!) wasn't a deluded fool in this case. Elizabeth Warren won her Senate race. Apparently, Massachusetts still owes big time the late Teddy Kennedy and doesn't really care about making up your background and plagiarizing as a lifestyle pays big as long as you're progressive enough. Todd Akin got his just desserts and that's pretty much it. Having half of one of the branches of public power is not enough to stop anything. Kagan and Sotomayor will be known in the future as the "moderate faction" of the new Supreme Court.

Well, the people have spoken and I'm genuinely surprised — and shattered. Everything I believed was utterly wrong, beginning with that "Benghazi will sink Obama" factoid. The MSM won this round, too. They are now entitled to get away with everything they feel they can do. They are not paying the price for their dishonest misdeeds. Why should they? 

I'm giving the political punditry for a long, long while. I might be still right but the electorate said I'm wrong. And I don't want to be right for what it might be coming. Now Obama has all the flexibility he really wanted  — Russia can rush to make that phone call again. Israel is now officially isolated and  Iran can finish that little nuclear program — and any other nation feeling entitled to it, too.

If there's anything we have learned in the past four years, it's that the United States of America can survive a long time without a proper budget. The fiscal cliff and the trillion deficit are still awaiting for an answer that didn't come these last four years. The investment climate is non existent — except for cronies. Obamacare will really take place, America will make full transition to european social democracy (Greece, make some space for America, please) and John G. Roberts has nobody to thank for that but himself.

Yeah, I was wrong when I expected a Republican to win this time. But that won't make the actual problems disappear. People have chosen to made them even worse. 

Brace yourself, Mark Steyn. This is what you were talking about.
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Monday, November 5, 2012

James Bond gets shakespearean... but still kicks some

I was wondering why so sudden all the critics fell so in love with Skyfall, the latest James Bond flick. After watching it, now I know: it has the usual assorted explosions, chases and t&a, but it went full intellectual. You know, sorta... shakespearean.

The first thing you notice is that this former-lean-and-mean Daniel Craig's Bond drinks a lot, very much in the venue of the original, literary Bond (you miss him smoking). The literary Bond might be in form even if he smokes 70 cigarettes a day and a liter of whisky, but as in real life, the movie has to concede that the world's favorite agent is getting old and he's not helping himself with his lifestyle. The funny thing is that M drinks a lot, too. Judy Dench's character looks very unescrutable this time.

The gravitas of the movie is brought by themes like "shadows", and "underground". The "gritty reboot" becomes "back to the roots", and lots of the action and plot occur "underground." The Churchill Bunker, The London Tube and a "Priest Hole" play a key part in the locations.

The somber theme of the movie gets boosted by the alluded decline, not of the British Empire, but of England itself: it looks like the Bond franchise became to self-conscious and wants to ask (but doesn't dare) if it is still ok to go chasing spies after 50 years in the big screen. The movie bets big on his main business by going full circle at the end. The futuristic office of the late M is replaced by a more traditional one, like the one at the beginning of the franchise.

The villiain, played very tongue-in-cheek by Javier Bardem precisely looks down on this spy business, but Bond gets the last word. He's still more than ready to kick some arse for the Queen and England.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Scoop: Pardon talks for a convicted terrorist could become an electoral issue in the USA

The buzz is finally out! Dr. sipmac already was talking about this in twitter but was dismissed. Now word is spreading throughout the United States. If the foreign agenda for Obama's second term is more flexibility, people is already in the know that two convicted terrorists could be realeased as aiding and abetting for the nascent but already uncertain peace process.

The guerrilla has already asked Simon Trinidad as a negotiator, insisting in his release.

The blogosphere is smelling something funny here...

Well, Obama could do it. Even in his last day of his term (in case he gets defeated by Romney), he could pardon Simón Trinidad and Nayibe Rojas and they could walk scott free. Tradition is that US presidents gives extremely controversial pardons in their last day of their terms.

This could gain traction...
Will Obama allow to become this an issue while remaining only twelve days for Election Day in the USA?

Stay tuned.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Romney won the second debate (according to Fox News) - but wait, there's more!

Yeah, every warm body that reads the New York Times and watches MSNBC knows Fox News is "false and unreliable", not "fair and balanced." Yeah, every person fed on the MSM fountain knows it's filled with hateful conservatives and republicans (but nobody seems to realize it's filled with card-carrying liberals, too). And Rupert Murdoch (he's eeeeeeeeeeeeevil, you know).

But Fox News knows its audience: it's already in the tank for Romney. The Fox News-junkies don't need reassurances, they are energized enough and they wouldn't have been demoralized if Romney would have really lost the second debate. They will go out and vote on November 6th, with a vengeance.

Now, consider this (if you are still here). Full Disclosure: Romney wasn't my favorite candidate in the Republican primaries:

Romney won the second debate | Fox News: But the key reason for the Romney win was substantive:

1. Romney made very clear the case against Obama's economic record and Obama's rebuttal about 5 million jobs was pathetic.

2. Romney injected the China issue, big time, and tapped into a strong public sentiment on the issue.

3. Romney made the effective case that Obama is anti-oil, coal, and gas and that this has doubled gas prices.

4. Romney was very effective in differentiating himself from Bush-43 and in establishing that, unlike the GOP of the past, he was for small businesses not big businesses

5. Romney rebutted the attacks on him over Chinese investments.

6. Romney explained his tax plan well and to everyone's satisfaction.

7. Obama erred in trying to make us believe that he always felt Libya was a terror attack. We all heard him blame the movie.

Obama scored points over the 47% statement by Romney, immigration, and by his response to the accusation that he went to Vegas after the murder of the Ambassador.
But wait, there's more! Wayne Allyn Root, Vegas oddmaker predicts a landslide victory for Romney and argues that:
* The news media is ignoring signs of mass revulsion towards President Obama. In the West Virginia Democrat primary, a felon got 40% of the vote versus Obama. In deep blue Massachusetts and Connecticut, GOP Senate candidates are even, or leading in recent polls. In pro-union Wisconsin, Walker won by a country mile. But worst of all for Mr. Obama, several recent polls show Romney competitive in Illinois -- Obama’s home state. Romney is actually winning by a landslide in the suburbs of Obama’s Chicago. Even in Cook County, the country’s biggest Democratic stronghold, Romney leads by double digits among independents (43-31) and white voters (53-40). These are very bad signs for Obama.
*  In 2008 Democrats overwhelmingly controlled the majority of governorships. Today Republicans control the majority of Governorships. Presidential elections are always steered in each state by the governor -- the most powerful force in state politics.

 *  After the 2010 census, electoral votes were added to states that lean Republican in elections: Texas, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, South Carolina, and Utah. Deep blue Democrat states like New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and Massachusetts lost electoral votes.

*  That brings up an interesting point. Why is everyone running away from these ultra liberal, high tax states in the first place? Isn’t that alone proof of the failure of Democrat ideas?

*  Next, follow the money trail. Yes, Obama is raising plenty of money, although there is now a major question about whether it's coming from illegal foreign contributors. But forget all that. What matters is that in 2008 Obama overwhelmed McCain by out-spending him 10 to 1 down the stretch. That won’t happen in 2012. Romney is even, or can out-spend Obama, in the last 2 weeks of the election. That makes a huge difference in the outcome.

*  Christians will turn out in record numbers this year. Obama has offended Christians again and again. Last election 20 million evangelical Christians did not vote. They will turn out in record numbers in 2012 to defeat the most anti-Christian President in US history. How motivated are Christians? Did you see the long lines around the country to support Chick-fil-A this summer? You’ll see those same lines on election day.

*  Voter rolls have been purged in 2012 of felons and illegals in many states -- particularly Florida and Ohio. Turnout of Democrats will be nothing like 2008.

*  Which brings up another important question. What kind of political party relies on felons and people illegally in the country to win elections?

*  The “Enthusiasm Factor” for Romney is huge. Conservatives are focused, intense, motivated, and enthusiastic. Democrats turned out for Obama in record numbers in 2008. Today they are demoralized. A big edge goes to Romney on Election Day as conservatives, white voters, middle class voters and independents turn out in record numbers for Romney.

 *  I know several people who voted for Obama in 2008, but never again.  Does anyone know a McCain voter who will vote for Obama in 2012? There are none.

* Finally, history proves that a majority of undecided voters break for the challenger. Romney will take most of the undecided voters on election day -- just like Reagan did versus Jimmy Carter in 1980. Romney’s fantastic debate performance gave them confidence to choose the challenger.
Now you can go back to your Huffington Post (if you're still here). Or come back to mock me on November the 7th. Have it your way, pal.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

World Can't Wait and the most consistent protest of Election 2012

The radicals of World Can’t Wait had what [Pajamas Media] consider[s] the best sign of the day [an October 9th fundraising event that President Barack Obama attended in liberal bastion, friendly San Francisco -- or so he thought], a 12-Step program for Obama voters:
    1. Admit you are in a self-destructive relationship with the Democratic Party.

    2. Remove conflicting bumper stickers from your collection. “Shut Down Guantanamo” and “Obama 2012” are mutually exclusive.

    3. Understand that kill lists and more unjust war is the wrong kind of change to believe in.

    4. Stop lying to yourself. The President is not sucking up to the most powerful interests in the world because he loves you.

    5. Cut off all contact with Obama, Holder, Clinton and Pelosi. No more phone calls or writing letters. They are aware of what they are doing and they just don’t care what you think.

    6. Realize Obama is standing up and fighting. Unfortunately, he’s fighting Afghans, Pakistanis, Yeminis, Somalis…in your name.

    7. No more excuses. The Republicans are not making Democrats increase domestic spying or deport record numbers of Latinos.

    8. Get over your romantic feelings for Democrats and their supposed commitment to poor people. This election cycle, poverty is not on the agenda.

    9. Make a list of all war crimes committed under Bush. Cross out “Bush” and write in Obama. Add support for indefinite detention without charge, expanded drone wars, and invasions of two more countries. It’s healthy to gag at it.

    10. Come to grips with this: The only thing scarier than the Republican Party (a party full of climate-change deniers, fundamentalist woman-haters and gay-bashers, election stealers and racists) is a party who continually moves to the right to accommodate them and gets Americans to go along in that direction.

    11. Forgive yourself for being taken in by promises that were not delivered, and for ignoring troubling signs, because you wanted to believe in change. But remember, insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.

    12. As a result of these steps, you can now carry the message to those who still suffer from an addiction to the Democratic Party. Nothing is as liberating as resisting an evil when you know it’s wrong.

Throw 'em all!!!
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