Tuesday, December 20, 2011

North Korea is so lonely...

Añadir imagenIt’s beyond the describable for western (even eastern) ears what is going on in North Korea. The most perfect police state is every George Orwell’s nightmare come true. Maybe you should try Cracked.com or what the late (and much mourned) Christopher Hitchens wrote.

Now that the dear leader Kim Jong Il dies, in true pharaoh fashion, his grieving army launches a missile to scare South Korea even more.

Now the last perfect Stalinist state keeps on living its pharaonical fantasy: Kim’s son, Kim Jong Un, is appointed supreme leader and nobody knows what is going to happen next. Why? Because we knew a thing or two about the ridiculously megalomaniac Il, but we don’t know jack about Un. Even knowing Il was a madman was an advantage.

I’m leaving you now with a not-so-inaccurate portrait of the deceased (and much mourned) leader, performing in “Team America: World Police” the un-pc and tender ballad “I’m so Ronery.”

Ever wonder what a socialistic, all-poweful state can achieve? Visit North Korea

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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.