Sunday, October 9, 2011


Nhora Valentina Muñoz is a 10-year old girl, yet she might be (outrageously) considered a “political hostage” and the payment of a ransom is even (unreasonably) expected. Why? It is not because she’s the daughter of the mayor of a small town in the northeastern part of Colombia. It is because the revolutionary armed forces of Colombia, a.k.a. farc frigging said so.

The almost 60-year old guerrilla does what it wants and there is not accountability to its horrendous crimes. It looks that when the guerilla is nearing to a negotiation of a peace treaty (as they are surreptitiously doing it now), it has to find a way to shock the public opinion and turn it against it. And boy they always find a (gory, revolting) way.

Horrendous crimes like the killing of a very old and beloved priest, the denial of the release of a kidnapped officer whose child was dying of cancer, and other alike criminal gestures preceded the abrupt ending of peace talks. If the guerilla honchos think that shows their strength at the negotiating table, they should have learned by now those actions only show their brutality, their inhumanity and their unwillingness to negotiate but to gain time, influence and terrain to control while sitting at the table.

Juan Manuel Santos, the current Colombian president, knows that the Colombians are not in the mood for a peace talk after the utter failure of the last effort the Pastrana administration made to reach the cherished goal. Colombians elected Alvaro Uribe Vélez to treat the guerilla with an iron fist and after he left office, they still want a defeated guerilla, not a negotiating one. Yet Santos tries to find a way to initiate peace talks with the highest secrecy. And the kidnapping of 10-year old girl shows pretty clearly which are the intentions of the guerilla, and most jaw dropping, they haven’t changed a bit in almost 60 years.

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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.