Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mob lynching Herman Cain: because he doesn’t conform to the stereotype

By Marc Ipsula

Is Herman Cain Black?

Well, according to Al Sharpton, Harry Belafonte, Jesse Jackson and Kevin Blackistone among others, he’s not.

To Harry Belafonte, an avowed communist by the way, this is just mere routine: every black GOPer is by definition a “House Negro”, a strong derogatory term (early applied to those trusted slaves that could serve inside the slavemaster’s house instead of the plantation), akin to “Uncle Tom”, witnesses Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice.

The righteous prejudice-and-discrimination fighters ironically seem to embrace a very particular stereotype of the American black:

- An American black is a victim, will always be a victim. No matter what happens or does, the American black must always act like a victim.
- An American black must be angry and resentful all the time.
- An American black must expect everything spoon-fed by the government.
- Most important, an American black must embrace liberalism as the correct ideology and always vote Democrat.

As you may suspect, presidential hopeful Herman Cain is none of this. His attitude is one of amiable straightforwardness and perennial optimism. He grew up in the Deep South during the segregation era but he overcame this to become a mathematician and later a Master’s degree in computer science. The CEO stunt at Godfather’s Pizza was only one episode of a fruitful career in the private sector. Maybe Sharpton, Belafonte et al. could oversee all this if Herman Cain weren’t a Republican. And a conservative.

As I said, this is anathema to liberals in general. A black cannot be a conservative and a Republican. This contradicts the political narrative that keeps blacks voting Democrat as a bloc, election after election, as Lyndon B. Johnson boasted once (the n---s would vote Democrat for 200 years).

Civil Rights laws have always been seen as a Democrat achievement, and Republicans always failed to claim their due credit. As they fail to pinpoint the fact that the most reactionary, vocal (and material) supporters of segregation in the civil rights advent era, i.e., the likes of Bull Connor and George Wallace, were Democrats. As Al Gore always manages to duck the fact that his father was as unreconstructed as J. William Fulbright (Bill Clinton’s political mentor) or Jimmy Carter could be. Do you doubt me? After Barack Obama’s election, Teddy Kennedy leaked the fact that when Clinton was looking for the dying senator’s endorsement to Hillary’s campaign in 2008, he tried to convince Kennedy by affirming that Barack Obama should be serving them coffee.

These are the people that, with no little help from Sharpton, Jackson, Belafonte et al., will attempt to lynch Herman Cain before he has a chance to spread his message, the very opposite of those spoiled kids occupying Wall Street. The character assassination just began, by declaring him “not black”.

FULL DISCLOSURE 1: @sipmacrants decided to follow @THEHermanCain WAY before it was trendy enough. I should credit Dr. sipmac with this witty decision.

FULL DISCLOSURE 2: Marc Ispula’s ancestry is as diverse as Barack Obama’s or even Tiger Wood’s. Yep, arawak, black, Spaniard and Italian ancestors are in the mix.

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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.