Wednesday, December 2, 2009

An open letter to a Philosopher

This is the third installment in a series about Climategate. Dr. sipmac is afraid it is not the last of it, because he is following closely the evolution of this scandal. He feels this is too important to be nonchalantly ignored, so he will risk the being labeled as obsessed and/or repetitive. Always referring to himself in the third person (true to his Internet persona), without further ado presents:

Dear Mr. X:

It is not imperative to use your name in this open letter; Dr. sipmac only mentioned your credentials to state that your opinion on the matters that I will develop in this letter is qualified (To be frank, way more qualified than Dr. sipmac’s). Dr. sipmac read this morning your e-mail answering to the report sent to you by him yesterday. It was penned by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley on behalf of the Science & Public Policy Institute and its called “Caught Green Handed”. It is easily available online. Even not knowing if you could read the entire report, it was a jaw-dropping surprise for me that your only response was “I would be good to know who ordered or produced this version”.

The surprise originates from the recognizable points of your body of work and your areas of expertise that appear in the report and you didn’t at least acknowledge, probably in fear that doing so, you will have to admit that the anthropogenic/manmade global warming theory (MGW) that is being spread worldwide is bogus.

Dr. sipmac knows that feeling. MGW is so entrenched in the collective mind of the public opinion that dissenters from that theory are easily dismissed with a wave of the hand in the best-case scenario, or treated as outright kooks in the worst. These dissenters and skeptics are called “deniers”, as in “holocaust deniers”, which gives a pretty good idea about how the debate is framed. But wait! There is no debate! The science is settled, said Al Gore. But sticking rigorously to the well – known facts, you can still draw solid, undisputable conclusions. These facts are:

  • Somebody hacked a batch of e-mails and files belonging to the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in the UK. The CRU is reputedly one of the leading institutions in the climate change research field. Its papers feed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a UN-based agency that publishes special reports relevant to the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), an international treaty that acknowledges the possibility of harmful climate change; implementation of the UNFCCC led eventually to the Kyoto Protocol.
  • These e-mails and files were leaked (presumably by the same whistleblower) to the BBC a month ago, and the BBC did absolutely nothing to investigate the matters involved in them.
  • These e-mail and files then were posted on the internet, where they spread like a wildfire.
  • Phil Jones, the director of the CRU, and a few of the involved, reluctantly accepted the authenticity of the leaked/hacked information.
  • The contents of the leaked/hacked information are so damaging, that the only defense of the involved is that the crucial statements found in them are taken out of context, that the language the scientists use is incomprehensible to the laymen; i.e. the messages don’t mean what they mean. These messages unequivocally are about:
- The systematic suppression/doctoring of information that contradicted the theory of MGW. What about falseability?
- The direct manipulation of the resources used to evaluate the variations in global climate.
- The use of spurious means of research.
- The bullying and ousting of qualified skeptics and dissenters of MGW, resisting all the way to debate with the critics.
- The successful attempt to make of the peer-review process a travesty.
  • Don’t forget that the result of this process is fed to the IPCC, and it is used for decision-making that affects the entire global economy and population. This is what the Copenhagen meeting is about: setting an agency with enough power to force countries to “go green” in order to save the planet and mankind. Not that it is bad per se, but please, not this way.

It is not an easy job to become a MGW-skeptic these days, risking to lose the respect of the others, but with these facts, you can infer without hesitation that there is no real scientific process in the MGW warming research at least (witness Karl Popper), ergo, there’s no real science to the MGW theory, ergo, it can’t not be affirmed there is MGW, even GW properly. As Dr. sipmac said in a previous post, “Dr. sipmac is willing to accept there could be a global warming caused by CO2 emissions, even a manmade global warming… but stop offering the people to drink of the same old kool-aid. Gimme some truth”. Gimme some real science, he would add.

Very truly yours,

Dr. sipmac

P.S.: The Science & Public Policy Institute is behind the report. Respectfully Dr. sipmac invites you to google the rest.
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.