Monday, December 28, 2009

A-Holes of the Year

In no particular order of appeareance, Dr. sipmac will post a well-deserved scorn-a-thon of a few of the undisputed a-holes of this year. Without further ado:

Charlie Sheen: Anybody with a brain knows that this guy is playing himself in the critically-acclaimed, top-ten rated sitcom Two and a Half Men. The question is: When Charlie Harper will beat the hell out of Chels? Jeez, this is the guy that had every opportunity in his life to make ammends for every wrong decision made. Alcoholism, gambling, whoremongering were enough to sabotage his film career. Do you think "Hot Shots" was another step forward? Nope. Funny as it might be, he was already scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Then he replaces Marty McFly in Spin City and landed a little later into one of the most-watched sitcoms of the decade. Hey bad boy, do you think that kind of luck is never going to run out? Wanna risk it by beating your wife, you moron? Maybe you should ask--

Roman Polanski: Yeah, that dude. Oh, I managed to escape from the nazis and then Charlie Manson and his merry family, so I can do whatever I want and still play the victim, that includes raping a drunken 13 year old girl. Besides, I have a lot of powerful and beautiful friends to back me up whenever I want. Oops! Being caught and have to face extradition charges in Switzerland? No problemo, my friend. I can post bail and fight it in my cozy chateau! Now I can finish my movie at home! I told you, I can do whatever I want, not like that--

Phil Jones: The poster boy for scientific method and objectivity for this dying 2009. Between his lifetime accomplishments we can admire his destruction of "climate change" raw data, the redefinition of the peer review process, the persecution of dissenters and the burning of a good 20 million dollars in grants given to him and his pals, just to "hide the decline". A true deserving canditate of the ig-nobel prize! Speaking of the devil--

Al Gore: Making millions with the green scare is not enough, huh? You have to twist facts of your Academy Award prized docummentary, and then keep on having a straight face when Climategate hits you cold in the face and you have to cancel your highly expected appearance in Copenhagen. In the meanwhile, your book is still for sale, your monthly carbon footprint at home is STILL bigger than the average US home in a year, and you are getting fat. But you won the Nobel Prize! You have to be a schmuck like--

Sandra Bernhard/David Letterman: You have to have a special sense of comedy to wish a fellow woman to be raped when she enters Manhattan! You must be an upstanding comedian when you wish that woman's daughter to be "knocked up" by a baseball player! Just like you did with your female subordinates! Who said a politician's family is "off limits"? Sandra, who's morally reprehensible now? "Not me", says--

Tiger "Cheetah" Woods: A name has never been so revealing. In a few words, Mr. Woods carefully crafted a wholesome image for years. That made him make gazillions of dollars. From the very start, a few people knew he was a women-chaser. So was Babe Ruth. But he never try to hide who he was (and at least the press helped him). But Tiger... hey, it wasn't just golf, you were the spokesperson for Gillette, and they gave you a pile of money for that. You were asking for trouble, man. "¡You racist!", calls Dr. sipmac--

Barack Obama: Well in that case, I let one of your early supporters, Mr. David Michael Green, say it all in this link. A little taste of it:
Like any good progressive, I've gone from admiration to hope to disappointment to anger when it comes to this president. Now I'm fast getting to rage.

How much rage? I find myself thinking that the thing I want most from the 2010 elections is for his party to get absolutely clobbered, even if that means a repeat of 1994. And that what I most want from 2012 is for him to be utterly humiliated, even if that means President Palin at the helm. That much rage.
For all he knows--

Dr. sipmac has ranted

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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.