Friday, October 12, 2018

The Storm - It is happening!

Hi there everybody! The following post originates from Voat, its author gave us deplorables permission to spread it. So, here goes nothing! MY PERSONAL TOP 10 PROOFS THAT _IT_ IS HAPPENING (arrests etc) PERMISSION TO SPREAD FAR AND WIDE! -- If you copy and paste somewhere, please do so in a way that you take all the links. Maybe best to just link to the page... So sorry I ran out of upvotes today. I will get the rest of you all tomorrow! ==================================================== -----Lots of chatter these last few days... IS IT HAPPENING? WHERE ARE MY PERP WALKS? WHAT IS TAKING SOOOOOOO LOOOONNNNGGG? Thing is, Watergate was small compared to this OP. Watergate took 22 months from the "break in" to a conviction of the "Plumbers" -- This is totally different. This is high-levels arrests, household names, probably a coupe dozen just for starters, and more following. The signs that it is coming are everywhere. IT IS HAPPENING. This has been in planning for decades. My Proof: ======================================================= MY PERSONAL 10 PROOFS THAT "IT IS HAPPENING" (Arrests, etc) ======================================================= 1) VERY early in his administration, Trump quietly started the half BILLION expansion to GitmoYouTube. It includes a hospital and courthouse. Those running The Plan knew it would take time to build. Completion is mid 2019, although it is being done in phases and roll-out is incremental. Some new sections are already being used. Truth be told, after all his rhetoric about closing Gitmo, Obama started the expansion at the end of his 2nd term (for Hillary to fill up with us dissidents), but Trump ramped it up. -- Note that link is to a foreign newspaper, published July 7th, 2016. It was not reported in the U.S. 2) Trumps Executive Order March 1st, 2018--updating the laws for trying civilians in Military Courts takes effect 1/1/19... Oh Ya, that is not an accident. Remember Lindsey Graham's odd questions to Kavanaugh about "enemy combatants"YouTube being tried in military courts...under the "law of armed conflict"... Now we have a 5-4 conservative majority in the Supreme Court, Kavanaugh would most likely be the swing vote if that were to come before the court soon. (It will) 3) Trumps Executive Order Dec 21, 2017 -- allowing confiscation of assets etc re human trafficking and CORRUPTION. On August 15th, the Treasury released a 1,172 page Report detailing the first list of "Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List". He is removing their ability to fight back. That same E.O. also made it a federal crime for any US citizen to give aid to any of those with confiscations. Sanctions for Countries or foreign nationals were also spelled out This E.O. granted the Treasury the power to confiscate money internationally. Investigations are still underway, these people know how to hide assets, so this takes time. 4) The way I see it -- The 2016 election was a soft Military Coup--face it, most republicans never expected Trump to win. We really have no idea how that came about. No other President EVER has had so many military people in their cabinet. Mostly Marines. It is my belief that we have an undeclared Junta. Trump is the front man, the token civilian--for optics--but really just a small part in this mammoth operation. The fact that the Dems and MSM are SOOOOO Anti-Trump is a HUGE distraction from what is actually happening, many parts are able to move forward without public scrutiny--very important.. 5) THEORY ONLY - Obama pardoned everyone for all their crimes during his administration. The bad actors had to be given rope and allowed to commit new crimes after Trump took office.. Federal crimes. Capital crimes. RICO, etc. See the theory on Obama's Secret Pardons HEREPNG 6) The 55,000 indictments. Here's a graphic overviewJPG. Google Docs is a banned domain so I can't post the link, but it's at the bottom of the graphic. The number is staggering and unprecedented. I don't believe all will be unsealed, our country does not have the resources to handle that many indictments, arraignments, trials, etc. All defendants would just have to demand their right to a speedy trial and the system would be overwhelmed -- but rest assured those sealed indictments are powerful leverage to get people to turn states evidence against those higher up in the food chain. 7) --Related to #6 - All the Resignations in Congress and the Senate. Have to be pretty bad Sealed indictment charges and evidence shown in private interviews, that would cause over 10% of Congress & Senators to decide to Retire. Never happened before in history. They're getting pulled into a room, one by one, and told. ...Look, here's what we've got on you, here are your choices 8) TRUST SESSIONS. Sessions nickname is "The Silent Executioner", he is known for being stealthy. His barking about marijuana is to throw people off track, He's been very busy. He appointed John Huber as his lead federal prosecutor to "work with the DOJ Inspector General Horowitz" and has access to that department's 470 investigators. Huber has had a Grand Jury impaneled in (RED) Utah for over a year. Q stated on 9/17/17 Drop #250 at Patriots Fight "activate Sessions" which starts the [arrest] phase of The Plan. Remember, Sessions was in Utah about a week ago, photo of him WITH Huber released, I'm sure finalizing the roll-out of this next phase. 9) In a video posted last year, General Flynn was giving a speech, he was being very cryptic, with no explanation, started talking about the fact we have had an insurgency, and are in a war, it's "irregular warfare" and it's being fought by DIGITAL SOLDIERSYouTube --- Gee. I Wonder Who Those Digital Soldiers Are? ... NOT -- (It left little doubt that General Flynn is part of QTeam) 10) The record number of federal judicial appointments by Trump. You can't take a case, no matter how good, to a corrupt judge and expect to win. Add to that the Kavanaugh hysteria... =========================================================== This is the largest sting operation ever conducted in our nation's history. Thousands of military personnel are involved. At literally every juncture, plans have to be reviewed and modified based on public perceptions and deep state reaction. IF arrest happen before midterms, it will be about 7-10 days before the mid-terms for maximum effect. I think they want to wait till after if accurate polls show an inevitable red wave. From our vantage, we have no way of knowing how it's looking. I don't believe a single thing I hear on MSM, even on FOX. Hannity is "read-in' on certain aspects of the plan and is also playing his part. =========================================================== IMPORTANT -- WE HAVE A SPECIFIC JOB TO HELP SAVE AMERICA! GOOGLE WHISTLEBLOWER STATEMENT TO 8CHANJPG WE WILL MEME THE NORMIES TO COUNTER COMPUTER BOTS. SEE THIS: =========================================================== IMPORTANT VIDEOS Q - THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLDYouTube Q - KILL THE MOCKINGBIRDYouTube THIS VIDEO WILL GET DONALD TRUMP ELECTEDYouTube IMPORTANT TRUMP SPEECH ON HUMAN TRAFFICKINGYouTube =========================================================== (This is a Comment on a submission, but it's very popular--- I worked hard on it and wanted to give it some legs...)

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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.