Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cooking the Global Warming Books – Until they burn - Climategate!

This time Dr. sipmac’s new rant looks like a minefield after he used (or abused?) the linking to other websites. He feels it is necessary. It is necessary to do a lot of research, stop taking what you hear and see everyday as granted. Always referring about himself in the third person (true to his internet persona), this time thinks there’s no time and he needs to talk about:

Cooking the Global Warming Books – Until they burn

Dr. sipmac really feels the urge to post this rant. Always wanting to say something about the climate change, formerly know as climate warming, until last year a crude winter was experienced in the northern hemisphere and the alarmists (both scientists and lay people) couldn’t sell the idea of increasingly benign winters anymore. He hesitated, because he wanted to substantiate all the facts with undisputed evidence.

It wasn’t long ago, when he took a cab to his workplace and began to talk nonchalantly with the chauffeur until they arrived to that particular theme. It appeared that the taxi driver was a Discovery Networks fan, and he couldn’t even contemplate the very notion of the inexistence of the manmade global warming, much less the idea of the untruth of a global warming at all. What makes Dr. sipmac shudder energetically is the remembrance of his stare: he was watching Dr. sipmac like someone discovering he was talking with a madman, and the driver was at the same time wanting to punch him in the face.

Besides, who can dispute, who is crazy enough to dissent, when the city in which they live has experienced a very hot and dry year? Just the last year it didn’t rain: it poured. El Niño phenomenon? The one that appears every three to eight years? No, it must be global warming. It’s in all the media!

It is a real sensitive theme, and when you are a skeptic, it is like talking about religion and/or politics. Until recently people in the first world accepted the dogma of the manmade global warming (MGW) without questioning it. But the tide is changing. In the meanwhile, in every part of the globe the dogma still persists among official levels. Governments talk about it and devise policies regarding MGW assuming it is a reality, a settled matter. After all, it wasn’t only the desperate admonitions of washed-up politicians who have found new relevance: scientists, serious scientists flooded the media with data, computer models and pictures that showed how real the threat was.

The few that dare to dissent were facing difficulties, even threats, not just because of their beliefs, but because they dare to confront the advocates of MGW and simple GW… with facts. Speaking of which, now it is time to announce that those serious scientists that advocate for radical measures to stop the irresponsible actions that harm the environment have been caught red-handed. The UK Climate Research Centre’s (a component of the University of East Anglia U.K., one of the leading institutions concerned with the study MGW and GW) e-mails have been hacked (some say they have been leaked). You can read them in http://www.anelegantchaos.org/ and weep. Finally, we have strong evidence that, in order to further the alarmist agenda (and earn a little money), the data has been doctored and bogus research methods had been used.

Mainstream media is now in full denial mode, alleging that these e-mails are fake themselves, or that they are private communications that never were intended for the public (yeah, *sure*). But they seem to be right. Only time will tell if this real discovery will change the course of the MGW juggernaut. By the way, Dr. sipmac is willing to accept there could be a global warming caused by CO2 emissions, even a manmade global warming… but stop offering the people to drink of the same old kool-aid. Gimme some truth.

Dr. sipmac has ranted.
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.