Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cooking the Global Warming Books 2: What's next?

Could be Manmade Global Warming theory in the same level as the Piltdown Man? Should Al Gore give his Nobel Prize back? Should he rectify his film publicly? Should the CRU accept the manipulation of data and accept the consequences? Well, it is sure the honorable thing to do. But that surely won’t happen. Dr. sipmac wishes it would.

We were talking yesterday about the deep silence in the mainstream media. Now the people involved in the scandal feel shielded by the press trying conveniently to ignore and shut down what happened. As people say somewhere in Latin America: “cover up, cover up, cover up.”

That will hurt this particular cause and the cause of science in general by not realizing that by denying the manipulation the manmade global warming advocates are giving a debate-ready argument to people who assess that the earth is flat, that humans never went to the moon, and yes, to the creationists, too. The e-mail scandal will be then hung undeservedly on the honest, decent and dedicated scientists for decades to come.

Dr. sipmac cited the Piltdown man fiasco before for a reason. When the “archeological findings” were denounced as a fraud, it didn’t poke a huge hole in Darwin’s theory of evolution. On the contrary, new discoveries cemented the validity of the theory years after the exposé. But this Climategate looks more like the N-Ray case than the Piltdown man: scientists deceiving the people and/or deceiving themselves into believing something that isn’t there.

The other thing that demonstrates this scandal is that the scientists are human after all: prone to do the wrong things for fame, money, recognition and help further political agendas. To the global warming family: please man up, fess it up and take it up. Stop hurting science the way you are doing it now.

Dr. sipmac has ranted
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cooking the Global Warming Books – Until they burn - Climategate!

This time Dr. sipmac’s new rant looks like a minefield after he used (or abused?) the linking to other websites. He feels it is necessary. It is necessary to do a lot of research, stop taking what you hear and see everyday as granted. Always referring about himself in the third person (true to his internet persona), this time thinks there’s no time and he needs to talk about:

Cooking the Global Warming Books – Until they burn

Dr. sipmac really feels the urge to post this rant. Always wanting to say something about the climate change, formerly know as climate warming, until last year a crude winter was experienced in the northern hemisphere and the alarmists (both scientists and lay people) couldn’t sell the idea of increasingly benign winters anymore. He hesitated, because he wanted to substantiate all the facts with undisputed evidence.

It wasn’t long ago, when he took a cab to his workplace and began to talk nonchalantly with the chauffeur until they arrived to that particular theme. It appeared that the taxi driver was a Discovery Networks fan, and he couldn’t even contemplate the very notion of the inexistence of the manmade global warming, much less the idea of the untruth of a global warming at all. What makes Dr. sipmac shudder energetically is the remembrance of his stare: he was watching Dr. sipmac like someone discovering he was talking with a madman, and the driver was at the same time wanting to punch him in the face.

Besides, who can dispute, who is crazy enough to dissent, when the city in which they live has experienced a very hot and dry year? Just the last year it didn’t rain: it poured. El Niño phenomenon? The one that appears every three to eight years? No, it must be global warming. It’s in all the media!

It is a real sensitive theme, and when you are a skeptic, it is like talking about religion and/or politics. Until recently people in the first world accepted the dogma of the manmade global warming (MGW) without questioning it. But the tide is changing. In the meanwhile, in every part of the globe the dogma still persists among official levels. Governments talk about it and devise policies regarding MGW assuming it is a reality, a settled matter. After all, it wasn’t only the desperate admonitions of washed-up politicians who have found new relevance: scientists, serious scientists flooded the media with data, computer models and pictures that showed how real the threat was.

The few that dare to dissent were facing difficulties, even threats, not just because of their beliefs, but because they dare to confront the advocates of MGW and simple GW… with facts. Speaking of which, now it is time to announce that those serious scientists that advocate for radical measures to stop the irresponsible actions that harm the environment have been caught red-handed. The UK Climate Research Centre’s (a component of the University of East Anglia U.K., one of the leading institutions concerned with the study MGW and GW) e-mails have been hacked (some say they have been leaked). You can read them in and weep. Finally, we have strong evidence that, in order to further the alarmist agenda (and earn a little money), the data has been doctored and bogus research methods had been used.

Mainstream media is now in full denial mode, alleging that these e-mails are fake themselves, or that they are private communications that never were intended for the public (yeah, *sure*). But they seem to be right. Only time will tell if this real discovery will change the course of the MGW juggernaut. By the way, Dr. sipmac is willing to accept there could be a global warming caused by CO2 emissions, even a manmade global warming… but stop offering the people to drink of the same old kool-aid. Gimme some truth.

Dr. sipmac has ranted.
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Monday, November 23, 2009

The Matrix as a Totalitarian Government Parable (A short and sloppy and improvised essay)

By Dr. sipmac

When a modern media production becomes a huge success with a huge fanbase, anything can happen. That anything means “on the verge of becoming a (major) religion”. Futurama has already toyed with the idea before lampooning the cult-like following of Star Trek and Star Wars (Where No Fan Has Gone Before, Episode 411). Now, enter The Matrix, that world described as “Harry Potter with guns”, where the cool women wear leather form head to toes, the remedy of ignorance is immediately downloadable and the illuminati barely conceal the contempt they have for those sheep-like bluepills, the way a politician fights for the people’s rights.

Alright, alright. What I said is not true. Neo and his dark-glassed combo are supposed to fight the evil machines (and computer programs that operates them) and free the humanity, but the fight does have a lot of “collateral-damage”, as seen in the highway scene. Looks like they have to destroy the village in order to save it. I can’t remember if it was Orwell who said that “a war must be fought brutally or not fought at all”. And what the humans do (at least in the simulated reality) looks like a guerilla war.

And, if humans are guerrilla, WHAT IS THE MATRIX? Glad you asked. The Matrix is the perfect allegory of a perfect totalitarian state, Ingsoc with an not-human Big Brother: The matrix takes all the decisions for its inhabitants: The matrix decides how and when to feed you. Everybody eats at the same Soylent Green by imposition (in a true egalitarian way), and if necessary, it could trick you into believing you’re eating something when you aren’t eating nothing, just by twitching your brain circuits. The matrix provides a nice cubicle (cell) where you live and die while believing you live in the open. It gives you the illusion of freedom and well-being while you’re “thriving” in slavery and misery. The Matrix controls every single aspect of your live while giving the illusion of self-determination we expect form a normal human being. The first act of freedom of a redpill is choosing an alias for hacking. It becomes their real name when freed.

It is curious that people in Russia, when they saw the movie for the first time, they saw as an praise of communism. Not even ten years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and still blindfolded…

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Still sick - but fighting!

As I told you before, I'm pretty sick these days. Broncopneumonia, and the doctors scared me to death. They warned me a lot, telling me I should rest a lot and take a gazillion medicines. Well, even today I'm not feeling strong enough to resume my normal activities, and, if I take the doctors' advice seriously, it would be unwise to even try now, too.

It's been a period on time when I found with great disappointment that the American Healthcare Reform is still alive and well (they should ask ME how I get my medical attention through this rotten system - as I told someone before, I'm always on the verge of taking legal action against my medical company to get some healthcare - pretty darn funny, huh?), and found great pageant activity lately, both in North and South America. Sorry, but that activity has been soaked with lethal doses of stupidity.

Gone is the goodwill and simpathy I had for Carrie Prejean. Look, she's a celebrity wannabe, and she (and her manager, whoever-might-be) doesn't know how to deal with a scandal, or the press, or a soft interview! She attempted to leave the interview she had with Larry King. Larry King! She is selling a book, too. The photo of the cover makes her look like a martyr, something apparently she likes to be. If she wants a career, she should know better.

Diana María Salgado shamelessly abused the Colombian Constitution so she could travel to Cartagena and do the National Pageant! Puh-leeze! And I'll never forget the judge. He deserves punishment, too.

In the neighborhood, a country is sinking rapidly in a hole of blackouts and water rationings. A country soaked in oil, but it has to import energy from countries with less energy potential! The simple solution: a call for war against the neighbors!

This week, South Park simply S-U-C-K-E-D. If you've been watching the show for years, you should know a couple of things about its creators. Its ideology is far from liberal. They aren't conservatives, either. They are somewhat libertarian. But "Dances With Smurfs" is plain laziness. You even laugh watching the episode. You know they like to shock, and more than once they prefer to be funny instead of being fair. This time is the former, beacause they mocked the legitimate concerns of a popular movement. They are not helping anybody but the people that spent the entire summer trivialising and mocking the movement while burning trillions of dollars in yet-to-be-seen stimulus.

Oh, and Britney Spears Twitter account has been hacked.
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Whatever it Takes for a Quick Laugh from the Audience

Dr. sipmac has been pretty sick for the last ten or twelve days. He doesn't mean to leave his blog unattended, but it is difficult for him to write even at this very moment.Heck, he will try.

By watching "Dances With Smurfs", the latest South Park episode (you can watch it here), you can conclude that:

1. Glenn Beck's rants have absolutely no substance, they are just plain unsubstantiated (and entertaining) demagoguery. He's just so ready to make a quick buck from every word he utters...

2. The people attending the summer Tea Parties and the 9/12 do not have a legitmate concern about how the US economy is being handled by the Obama Administration. They are just merely Glenn Beck's puppets, going out to protest because they are told so, and they are so stupid they don't realize it, so they deserve to be mocked, too (Hint: they are for the same freedoms you cherish, Trey and Matt).

3. Without reading a single sentence from it, one can infer that Sarah Palin's book is as funny as his public image is tarnished by the mainstream media.

Oh my, who I am? Just Dr. sipmac, and Trey Parker and Matt Stone are gazillionaires who made it real big by creating South Park, one of the most outrageous and entertaining cartoons ever made. They usually like to shock all kinds of public and advocate for all kind of freedoms in their show, including freedom of enterprise (and of course, free markets). Apparently this time they didn't bother to do some research before the episode was made, because it was so darn funny from the very start. Hey, why they did not watch some Penn & Teller: Bullshit episodes regading the economy? They could even ask directly Penn and Teller, since they are close friends.

Margaritaville was funny (and deserving to be awarded), but still was strike one: jeez, keynesian stimulus, overspending are really the solutions... Again, go and watch Penn & Teller, look what the stimulus have done for the economy. Now, it's strike two. We will see if you can do anything for a laugh so you can't even be loyal to your own wallets.
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