Saturday, March 30, 2013

Jim Carrey, looking desperately for relevance, completely has lost it

Dumb and dumber... by the same actor
Many people could agree with Jim’s Carrey views on gun control but not necessarily on his particularly nasty rambling style. Many people could trust his sincerity in wishing guns out of circulation but with many, many strikes against him (see his dangerous take on vaccinations), many people just can see a desperate waning star looking for relevance and a listening public. 

I wish Jim well, and I still like what he did in The Truman Show, Liar Liar and Yes Man, but as a political activist he’s as good as a demented fan with a gun in his hand.  

Reason TV's rebuttal to Jim Carrey Lyrics 

Sometimes dudes minds are skewed and they choose to go a-killin' 
Because they saw a Batman villain killing, well...ring a bell? 
Sometimes stars get armed guards When they make a million buck-ers 
Then call you heartless mother f*****s to want the those with fame? 
Polio and smallpox they no longer kill en masse 
Because of vaccinations they are a thing of the past 
But you tell parents to skip them and the science you contrast 
Because just like in your're talking our your ass 
It takes a talking ass to oppose a vaccination 
when your PhD is in making funny faces 
It takes a talking ass to tell people they can't arm when 
You don't walk around without an armed bodyguard 
It takes a talking ass to call fans dumb and demented 
When you are the one who wants something uninvented 
It takes a talking ass to be out there passing blame 
when you've shot someone on every TV ever made

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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.