Saturday, March 30, 2013

Jim Carrey, looking desperately for relevance, completely has lost it

Dumb and dumber... by the same actor
Many people could agree with Jim’s Carrey views on gun control but not necessarily on his particularly nasty rambling style. Many people could trust his sincerity in wishing guns out of circulation but with many, many strikes against him (see his dangerous take on vaccinations), many people just can see a desperate waning star looking for relevance and a listening public. 

I wish Jim well, and I still like what he did in The Truman Show, Liar Liar and Yes Man, but as a political activist he’s as good as a demented fan with a gun in his hand.  

Reason TV's rebuttal to Jim Carrey Lyrics 

Sometimes dudes minds are skewed and they choose to go a-killin' 
Because they saw a Batman villain killing, well...ring a bell? 
Sometimes stars get armed guards When they make a million buck-ers 
Then call you heartless mother f*****s to want the those with fame? 
Polio and smallpox they no longer kill en masse 
Because of vaccinations they are a thing of the past 
But you tell parents to skip them and the science you contrast 
Because just like in your're talking our your ass 
It takes a talking ass to oppose a vaccination 
when your PhD is in making funny faces 
It takes a talking ass to tell people they can't arm when 
You don't walk around without an armed bodyguard 
It takes a talking ass to call fans dumb and demented 
When you are the one who wants something uninvented 
It takes a talking ass to be out there passing blame 
when you've shot someone on every TV ever made

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

What's /b/? (Taken from the internet)

/b/ is the guy who tells the cripple ahead of him in line to hurry up. 
/b/ is first to get to the window to see the car accident outside. 
/b/ is the one who wrote your number on the mall's bathroom wall. 
/b/ is a failing student who makes passes at his young, attractive English teacher
/b/ is the guy loitering on Park Ave. that is always trying to sell you something. 
/b/ is the one who handed his jizz-drenched clothes to Good Will. 
/b/ is one who introduced you first to Goatse. 
/b/ is a hot incest dream that you'll try to forget for days. 
/b/ is the only one of your group of friends to be secure in his sexuality and say anything. /b/ is the guy without ED who still likes trying Viagra. 
/b/ is the best friend that tags along for your first date and cock-blocks throughout night. The decent girl you're trying to bag walks out on the date, /b/ laughs and takes you home when you're drunk, and you wake up to several hookers in your house who /b/ called for you. 
/b/ is a friend that constantly asks you to try mutual masturbation with him. 
/b/ is the guy who calls a suicide hotline to hit on the advisor 
/b/ is nuking the hard-drive next time someone knocks on his door. 
/b/ is the one who left a used condom outside the schoolyard. 
/b/ is the voice in your head that tells you that it doesn't matter if she's drunk. 
/b/ is the friend who constantly talks about your mom's rack. 
/b/ is the only one who understands what the hell you saying. 
/b/ is someone who would pay a hooker to eat his ass, and only that. 
/b/ is the uncle who has touched you several times. 
/b/ is still recovering in the hospital, after trying something he saw in a hentai. 
/b/ is the pleasure you feel guilty of when you tried playing with your anus during masturbation. 
/b/ is wonderful. 

Bam to behold, a public bulletin board, built of both brilliance and barbarity by bastards with boners. This bastion, no mere bulwark of boredom, is a brutal barrage of blistering bullshit, barely benevolent... but behind the bigotry and boobs, beyond the bitter broadcasts of bragging buffoons: here be the body politic. A brotherhood of blasphemy, blessed with more balls than brains, battling the bland, the bogus, the benign. Bedlam? Bring it on. But I babble... better to be brief. 
You may call me /b/. 

What evil lurks in the hearts of men? /b/ knows. Too much.
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