Tuesday, August 7, 2012

You didn't build that: An old lady with new clothes

Wonka is one of us...
Progressives and liberals of the world were embracing themselves with pure joy when Elizabeth Warren and barack Obama uttered their "Nobody gets rich on their own" or "You didn't build that" theory. The argument sounds so righteous, so true that these central-planned economy, government lovers never realized that the fundamental cornerstone of this sophism is that working people would necessarily have to use always the exactly same effort and have exactly the same skills (and have exactly the same intentions) to make this plausible.

In other words, individual talent could not create wealth on its own.

As a matter of fact, Karl Marx occupied himself (pun intended) with this particular wealth creation conundrum. And found the answer in ridicule: he labeled the individual wealth creation notion as a "Robinsonade", i.e., he found the Robinson Crusoe novel utter ridiculous as it was a silly fantasy to think of an organized man using the rests of a wreckage to organize himself in a deserted island.

Up to this day the term "Robinsonade" still lives in the marxist lexicon. Just google it.

Obama and Warren just found the way to make the old meme more fashionable, since the most that the current pop culture can bear about castaways are "Gilligan's Island" and "Lost". Robinson Crusoe would have made them... so unhip.

A marxist, a liberal, a socialist and a progressive can cover their ears and sing "lalalalala" at the top of their lungs, but they can't deny that as species, individual humans learned to use the fruits of nature to store them and create wealth. Stones were turned into axes and knives, fibers and wood were turned into arcs and arrows, and so on. 

The same way it could be done today.

Now talk about me about how centrists are those modern Democrats. "You didn't build that"? Please tell me more about how this has nothing to do with marxism.
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.