Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rupert Murdoch brought into submission by the left?

I don't know which one is worse: Dr. sipmac's devotion of Rupert Murdoch, a.k.a. the "genocidal tyrant" big shot of the News Corporation or Mr. Murdoch devotion of Dr. sipmac's methods. Anyway, here we are: after his truly annus horribilis, Mr. Murdoch seems to be mellowing a lot (Some people say that the secret conspiracy between the Labour Party and The Guardian finally brought him down to his knees). See for yourself:

That alone made Dr. sipmac experience a severe nervous breakdown, since he was already showing his strange change of heart with the endorsement of the anthropogenic climate change theory, another anathema for most of the members of the sipmac team. Murdoch even won new admirers here when he decided to confront Scientology.

Well, it seems the honeymoon is over in sipmacrants! is over. But for centrists like me, it is truly gratifying to discover that Rupert is seeing finally the light.
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.