Saturday, May 5, 2012

MSNBC Panel Determines Republican Brains Inferior To Liberal (The old bag of electoral tricks)

Image from "The People's Cube"
Image from "The People's Cube"
MSNBC Panel Determines Republican Brains Inferior To Liberal It's the eternal electoral cycle liberal bag of tricks. Figuring out that science is their "natural ally" (see Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva), the left has a classic combination of smears used to demean and belittle the opposition, making them resemble "the cavemen" and the leftists play the enlightened, condescending ones. This is taken right from the "School of Frankfurt" and T.A. Adorno playbooks.

1. Homophobes (read Conservatives) are secretly gay. Homophobia is a mental disease. Conservatives are mentally ill (See Homophobia as a mental disease in an election year: How convenient! By Paul Maršić). Check.

2. Liberal brains are rational, i.e., superior to conservative ones. (See What Makes People Vote Republican? By Jonathan Haidt) Check.

But as Angelo M. Codevilla said before in America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution:

Believing itself "scientific," this Progressive class sought to explain its differences from its neighbors in "scientific" terms. The most elaborate of these attempts was Theodor Adorno's widely acclaimed The Authoritarian Personality (1948). It invented a set of criteria by which to define personality traits, ranked these traits and their intensity in any given person on what it called the "F scale" (F for fascist), interviewed hundreds of Americans, and concluded that most who were not liberal Democrats were latent fascists. This way of thinking about non-Progressives filtered down to college curricula. In 1963-64 for example, I was assigned Herbert McCloskey's Conservatism and Personality (1958) at Rutgers's Eagleton Institute of Politics as a paradigm of methodological correctness. The author had defined conservatism in terms of answers to certain questions, had defined a number of personality disorders in terms of other questions, and run a survey that proved "scientifically" that conservatives were maladjusted ne'er-do-well ignoramuses. (My class project, titled "Liberalism and Personality," following the same methodology, proved just as scientifically that liberals suffered from the very same social diseases, and even more amusing ones.)
In other words, this is a game that conservatives can play, too.

In a nutshell - Those attempts are transparent and lame for those that recognize their periodicity and blatant bias. But Wait, there's more!

3. In some point of this electoral cycle, the alarms will be on, because the "extreme right, fundamentalist" websites will be "on the rise, breaking historical records."

Wanna bet?
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.