A TV channel decided to profit from the unspeakable evil genius Pablo Escobar. The lame excuse is that "the new generations need to know", like there is no YouTube nor Wikipedia out there. You see, Al Gore's invention is barely used by the youngsters, stubbornly clinging to their TV sets. Here in sipmacrants! we won't do the same lame attempt as that dreadful TV channel, we will turn Pablo Escobar into a meme instead!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
A-Holes of 2012 - First Semester Edition!
I admit it: I was planning to start June with this traditional post with a recount of the most conspicuous A-Holes under the sipmacrants! radar, but I couldn’t wait until then. So, without further ado, let’s see the A-Holes of 2012, Summer Edition!
1. Elizabeth Warren: minority status in modern America confers you sort of invulnerability. It is difficult to criticize a minority representative without appearing /being labeled as an insensitive bastard bigoted sexist racist. That said, it is utter dishonest to claim Native American ancestry in a Harvard application, drop it after several years, and reclaim it for your political career (while your actual ancestry is of the purest oppressors). Add a dubious book about native American cooking with plagiarized receipts of meals that doesn’t resemble native diet AT ALL, and the perfect political storm is about to be served. The Verdict: A fraudulent lying A-Hole.
2. Francisco Rojas Birry: A country opens its political institutions to those that where excluded and mistreated generation after generation. Hopefuls everywhere vote for him with the irrational expectation that he will never engage in corrupt practices, just because he has minority status. He does it anyway while serving as the capitol city ombudsman, and is found guilty after a fair trial. Only after this, he calls his minority pals to physically defend him from being detained and defiantly asks to be judged according to “his ancestral law.” The Verdict: A racemongering demagogic A-Hole.
3. Eduardo Merlano: A senator is driving a few friends somewhere and is asked by the police for an alcohol test. He doesn’t only refuse but insolently brags about his 50.000 voters and his ability to “solve” the impasse with a single phone call “to the Colonel.” His female friends are as aggrieved as him and accuse the police officers of being “bitter creeps.” He walks away, giving squat of being caught on camera, just as the Police Commander is caught on tape scolding his agents for “not respecting the hierarchy.” The Police Commander resigns amid the following scandal, and the senator (that gets his first driving license ONLY A FEW DAYS AFTER THE INCIDENT) asks for a medical excuse because of the “stress.” He has no intentions of resigning. The Verdict: A scumbag A-Hole.
4. Bill Maher: a progressive that loves “science and reason” but hates vaccines is caught red handed but still gets away while demeaning women with mean “jokes”, now financing Barack Obama’s reelection efforts with A COOL MILLION DOLLARS being used to decry a phony “GOP war on women.” Convoluted, isn’t it? It’s politics, anyway. And Ann Coulter’s dear friend is still a mean A-Hole (she can’t say a word against his dear friend Misogynist Billy. Really, she can’t).
5. Larry Flynt: before the sexual revolution it was “women, pregnant and barefoot.” Thanks to pornographer Larry Flynt, we now know that the way for women that dare live outside the liberal plantation is being “shut up with a phallus in their mouths.” Proving that the “war on women” narrative is a mere distraction, misogynist Bill Maher tells S.E. Cupp that she should not whine worry because he got the same treatment from First Amendment A-Hole Larry Flynt, too. That makes two A-Holes taking an ingratiating one for the liberal team!
6. P. Diddy: “Look how rich I am! I feel like spending TWO MILLION in strippers while in Miami!” First pay the paltry 70 grand you owe photographer Rob Hoffman since February, you cheap A-Hole!
7. Meghan McCain: the poster child for desperate ingratiation. She really doesn’t crave anything but please the Democrats and the left (Daddy issues, anyone?). It would be funnier if she wasn’t hurting people in the process by smearing and mischaracterizing conservatives and Republicans while pretending she’s the victim of mean “extremists”. The Verdict: Annoying A-Hole.
8. Rey Juan Carlos of Spain: many may think I’m taking a cheap shot with this, but I will make my case. See, if I accidentally killed my brother with a gun, for sure I would NEVER touch another one in my entire grieving life. But, no His Highness had to go to Africa to hunt elephants (€ 70.000 apiece), where he broke his hip. In the meanwhile, a grandson decides to follow the nincompoop tradition and shoots himself in the foot with another gun. In an era in which monarchs are seen as obsolete and useless artifacts, his serial philandering on taxpayer’s dime makes him even more odious to his Spaniard subjects (already pissed off by a collapsing economy). The Verdict: A Royal A-Hole.
It gets better every new semester.
Related articles
- Finally, someone in the left is trying to make the leftists live to their own set of rules... (sipmac.blogspot.com)
- Epic Troll Larry Flynt Responds to Allegations of Sexism with a Bunch of Dumb Sexism [Hustler] (jezebel.com)
- Weaponized misogyny: Hustler punishes S.E. Cupp for pro-life views with explicit fake image (twitchy.com)
- Meghan McCain On Receiving End of Right-Wing Misogyny (crooksandliars.com)
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Every day is Brett Kimberlin blogging day!
Bloggers that act as citizen journalists should be held with the same rights and duties as "legitimate", out-from-college journalists. The same old story of the bird that walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck should be applied in this case, even if it isn't a legal precedent. Otherwise, the gallant people that make the work that usually "legitimate" journalists refuse to do (tell the truth), could be facing the same destiny of Robert Stacy McCain: being harassed by Brett Kimberlin, an unrepentant terrorist funded by George Soros and Barbara Streisand among others.
Every Day is the truth reporting day...
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- Kimberlin v. Walker scheduled for Tuesday hearing (twitchy.com)
- Everyone Blog About Brett Kimberlin Link-Around (nicedeb.wordpress.com)
- "Speedway Bomber" Brett Kimberlin Threatens Blogger (atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com)
- Brett Kimberlin Blog-Burst (randythomas.co)
- Political terrorist Brett Kimberlin's organization reporting 'inappropriate' comments to law enforcement (twitchy.com)
- Gateway Pundit Stands With Our Fellow Conservatives on 'Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day' (thegatewaypundit.com)
- Can Left-Wing Terrorist, Brett Kimberlin, Change His Spots? (waronterrornews.typepad.com)
- Free Speech Blogburst: Showing Solidarity for Targeted Conservative Bloggers (askmarion.wordpress.com)
- Brett Kimberlin Blog Burst: This Just Doesn't Happen (riehlworldview.com)
- Convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin threatens conservative bloggers (winteryknight.wordpress.com)
- #BrettKimberlin D+1: Forward! (thecampofthesaints.org)
- Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day (loopyloo305.com)
- Today Is 'Everybody KEEP Blogging About Brett Kimberlin' Day... So Turn Off Your TVs And Spread The Word About The Most Vile, Left-Wing Terrorist To Come Down The Pike Since Bill Ayers (thedaleygator.wordpress.com)
- Why The Brett Kimberlin Story Is A Bigger Problem For Progressives Than You May Realize (riehlworldview.com)
- Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day (genomega1.wordpress.com)
- Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day (constitutionclub.org)
Obama: The Bigger Picture is (finally) emerging
Hey, he actually dressed like that! |
The left dismisses automatically and easily anyone willing to denounce President Barack Obama as a “socialist” a “colonialism critic” or an “extremist”. For starters, “socialist” has become a very dirty word in America, but a good deal of its population is still yearning for a country more alike to the European welfare state, i.e. social democracy, a.k.a. “socialism”. For that segment of the population that can’t be absolutely a bad thing, even if Europe is imploding because of the long-standing consequences of the welfare state policies enthusiastically embraced by the now-indignant Europeans that want to “soak the rich” even more, as if it would solve the structural problems arisen from living beyond their limits and financing it with debt that is impossible to be repaid.
If “colonialist criticism” implies that those countries that became colonial empires committed an irredeemable, unforgivable sin, no matter what they do after that, no matter how much in “reparations” they spend, making a dead-end guilty trap ideology, there isn’t much to be said when confronting circular logic, except that it is an excellent weapon to keep reason at bay.
A child cannot be labeled as an “extremist”. A child cannot choose parents or legal guardians. A child attends school and tutors, but it is not the child’s personal choice. In that order of ideas, it’s not Barack Obama’s fault if his childhood mentor was Frank Marshall Davis. Or that most of his upbringing happened in a leftist environment. But his adult choices and associations are another story.
The most ridiculous posture of the mainstream media is pretending that Barack Obama’s adult choices and associations are to be treated as mere happenstances. You see, if Barack Obama is working with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, move along, there is nothing to see there. If he lauded “Students Against Militarism”, an organisation that encouraged breaking the law, well, it just was more “educating and organizing” stuff (sounds more like agitprop for me, I have to concede). If he hangs with radicals Rashid Khalidi and Ali Abunimah, what’s the big deal? President Obama is still a friend of Israel, isn’t he? If Obama asked while at Harvard Law School to “open your hearts and open your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell” and you don’t agree with Critical Race Theory, then you must be a bigoted racist.
There is not a pattern of radicalism. Absolutely not, reassures us the mainstream media and the intelligentsia.
Still, and thanks to the new media, the bigger picture is finally emerging.
If “colonialist criticism” implies that those countries that became colonial empires committed an irredeemable, unforgivable sin, no matter what they do after that, no matter how much in “reparations” they spend, making a dead-end guilty trap ideology, there isn’t much to be said when confronting circular logic, except that it is an excellent weapon to keep reason at bay.
A child cannot be labeled as an “extremist”. A child cannot choose parents or legal guardians. A child attends school and tutors, but it is not the child’s personal choice. In that order of ideas, it’s not Barack Obama’s fault if his childhood mentor was Frank Marshall Davis. Or that most of his upbringing happened in a leftist environment. But his adult choices and associations are another story.
The most ridiculous posture of the mainstream media is pretending that Barack Obama’s adult choices and associations are to be treated as mere happenstances. You see, if Barack Obama is working with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, move along, there is nothing to see there. If he lauded “Students Against Militarism”, an organisation that encouraged breaking the law, well, it just was more “educating and organizing” stuff (sounds more like agitprop for me, I have to concede). If he hangs with radicals Rashid Khalidi and Ali Abunimah, what’s the big deal? President Obama is still a friend of Israel, isn’t he? If Obama asked while at Harvard Law School to “open your hearts and open your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell” and you don’t agree with Critical Race Theory, then you must be a bigoted racist.
There is not a pattern of radicalism. Absolutely not, reassures us the mainstream media and the intelligentsia.
Still, and thanks to the new media, the bigger picture is finally emerging.
Related articles
- Figures. Barack Obama Pushed Redistribution at Historic Democrat Socialists of America Town Hall Meeting (thegatewaypundit.com)
- A User's Guide To Smoking Pot With Barack Obama (brentdickerson.com)
- Obama: The Bigger Picture is (finally) emerging (sipmac.blogspot.com)
- Barry Obama ...Barack Sentoro .....Who are you? (davidwestern.wordpress.com)
- Barack Obama Was a Stoner Bully (gunnyg.wordpress.com)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Finally, someone in the left is trying to make the leftists live to their own set of rules...
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Scumbag Male Chauvinistic Pig |
Nikki Haley and S.E. Cupp prove that the left is OK with misogyny. As long as the woman is a conservative or Republican, baby, she had it coming (according to the left). It happens everytime with so-called liberals demeaning women with a different worldview... and getting away with it (and with the applause of the liberal women).
Therefore I congratulate Sandra Fluke and Planned Parenthood for their rapid response to Larry Flynt's lame attempt at ingratiation with their liberal peers when he decided to share with the world his vision of making his enemy S.E. Cupp shut up: with a phallus. He might see this as satire, but damn it if it doesn't look like male chauvinistic pig sexism.
Therefore I congratulate Sandra Fluke and Planned Parenthood for their rapid response to Larry Flynt's lame attempt at ingratiation with their liberal peers when he decided to share with the world his vision of making his enemy S.E. Cupp shut up: with a phallus. He might see this as satire, but damn it if it doesn't look like male chauvinistic pig sexism.
NOW and NARAL involvement in these stories? Voting present. Both organisations seem to protect only the rights of orthodox feminists.
Rachael Larimore and XX Factor from Slate.com deserve the kudos, too; for denouncing the obvious and notorious flaw in the behavior of Bill Maher, Alec Baldwin, David Letterman and several other misogynists that get a free pass because of their "progressive" views.
A good way to start this "agree to disagree" and "civil tone" thing.
Rachael Larimore and XX Factor from Slate.com deserve the kudos, too; for denouncing the obvious and notorious flaw in the behavior of Bill Maher, Alec Baldwin, David Letterman and several other misogynists that get a free pass because of their "progressive" views.
A good way to start this "agree to disagree" and "civil tone" thing.
Related articles
- S.E. Cupp, Hustler, and the four stages of conservative female abuse (michellemalkin.com)
- Hustler's Larry Flynt Slams 'Prudish And Delusional Right Wing' Critics, Tells Them To 'Beat Another Horse' (mediaite.com)
- Weaponized misogyny: Hustler punishes S.E. Cupp for pro-life views with explicit fake image (twitchy.com)
- Red Eye Panel Tackles S.E. Cupp Hustler Controversy: Why Can't She Sue? (mediaite.com)
- Calls for NOW to condemn misogynist attack against S.E. Cupp fall on deaf ears; Women need NOW like fish need bicycles (twitchy.com)
- Sandra Fluke, Won't You Stand With S.E. Cupp? (thewesternexperience.com)
- The Real War on Women: Hustler magazine's disturbing attack on S.E. Cupp (coralvillecourier.typepad.com)
- Finally, someone in the left is trying to make the leftists live to their own set of rules... (sipmac.blogspot.com)
- Undead sexist cliche: Everybody does it (OR) it's okay to do it to conservatives (frasersherman.wordpress.com)
- Left-Leaning, Pornographic and Disgusting Hustler Magazine shows Conservative Writer S.E. Cupp with a Penis in her mouth (ferrellgummit.wordpress.com)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Facebook loses face after IPO
The time for lame puns and schadenfreude is here! The mighty is falling down! And a lot of investors are losing a lot of money with the overpriced Facebook IPO. The stock's price is going down and here's my take:
So long... Zuckers!Related articles
- Facebook's IPO: A View From The West (web2.sys-con.com)
- Facebook Among the Worst Big U.S. IPO Starts in 5 Years (blogs.wsj.com)
- Dispatch from the Aftermath of the Facebook IPO (observer.com)
- Blame for Bungled Facebook IPO Shifts to Underwriters (web2.sys-con.com)
- After Facebook IPO debacle, finger-pointing begins (rhodesholdings.wordpress.com)
Monday, May 7, 2012
The Avengers: Marvel Comics All-Star is a huge box-office hit, DC Comics, hardest hit
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Truly epic |
Warning: *May contain spoilers*
Even before being acquired by Disney, long gone were the days in which Marvel Comics ventured into ultra-low budget animation. I’m still a DC fan at heart, but I recognize that Marvel learned from that zero-budget embarrassments and learned to aim big, while DC Comics forget entirely how to compete and now relies completely in what Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale may have done with Batman.
The X-Men and Spider-Man raised the bar in what to be expected from superhero movies: better settings and production values than the rest of movies. The Dark Night made things a little bit even, but now The Avengers have raised the bar again. DC can’t surpass its most recognizable characters: No Wonder Woman, Flash or Green Arrow movies, a Green Lantern huge fiasco while Marvel set the template for the already most successful movie of this year: Thor, Hulk, Captain America and Iron Man franchises were well established before the ensemble-cast film was shot.
Not that the moviegoer needs to watch the previous movies or read the entire comics catalog to figure out what happens in the movie: in two hours, the director and writer Joss Whedon finds the way to make the audience feel were comfortable with the cast, enjoy lots of action sequences and fights, and even have a glimpse into the psychology of heroes and villains. A terrific job, indeed, because there’s no way to get bored with this movie.
Captain America can be sometimes painful to watch as he is portrayed like a simpleton, but still he is the one that directs the Avengers in the battlefield. Tony Stark once in a while becomes annoying but most of the time is a terrific comedian making Iron Man a John McClane with armor. Scartlett Johansson as the Black Widow is very convincing, showing a very lethal and fearsome character. Hawkeye avoids the destiny that Aquaman and Green Arrow normally suffer at the expense of bad scripts, being casted both as villain and hero in the film. The current Bruce Banner/Hulk is one of the best choices of the movie. His fights with the dignified Thor are remarkable.
As for Nick Fury, he shows how he handles the team mostly with mind games, the same way he handles his superior. It becomes evident in the movie, that power brings mistrust and in that group there is a lot of power. Fury never attempts diplomacy, like a Charles Xavier, but tries to outsmart everybody.
Something DC should try for their own good.
Even before being acquired by Disney, long gone were the days in which Marvel Comics ventured into ultra-low budget animation. I’m still a DC fan at heart, but I recognize that Marvel learned from that zero-budget embarrassments and learned to aim big, while DC Comics forget entirely how to compete and now relies completely in what Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale may have done with Batman.
The X-Men and Spider-Man raised the bar in what to be expected from superhero movies: better settings and production values than the rest of movies. The Dark Night made things a little bit even, but now The Avengers have raised the bar again. DC can’t surpass its most recognizable characters: No Wonder Woman, Flash or Green Arrow movies, a Green Lantern huge fiasco while Marvel set the template for the already most successful movie of this year: Thor, Hulk, Captain America and Iron Man franchises were well established before the ensemble-cast film was shot.
Not that the moviegoer needs to watch the previous movies or read the entire comics catalog to figure out what happens in the movie: in two hours, the director and writer Joss Whedon finds the way to make the audience feel were comfortable with the cast, enjoy lots of action sequences and fights, and even have a glimpse into the psychology of heroes and villains. A terrific job, indeed, because there’s no way to get bored with this movie.
Captain America can be sometimes painful to watch as he is portrayed like a simpleton, but still he is the one that directs the Avengers in the battlefield. Tony Stark once in a while becomes annoying but most of the time is a terrific comedian making Iron Man a John McClane with armor. Scartlett Johansson as the Black Widow is very convincing, showing a very lethal and fearsome character. Hawkeye avoids the destiny that Aquaman and Green Arrow normally suffer at the expense of bad scripts, being casted both as villain and hero in the film. The current Bruce Banner/Hulk is one of the best choices of the movie. His fights with the dignified Thor are remarkable.
As for Nick Fury, he shows how he handles the team mostly with mind games, the same way he handles his superior. It becomes evident in the movie, that power brings mistrust and in that group there is a lot of power. Fury never attempts diplomacy, like a Charles Xavier, but tries to outsmart everybody.
Something DC should try for their own good.
Related articles
- 'Avengers' ups dollar power with $207.4M (ctv.ca)
- From Comics to Film With The Avengers (neatorama.com)
- Assembling The Avengers: "The Avengers" Scores Eighth-Best Midnight Open Ever (minx.cc)
- 'The Avengers': Marvel's comic book to superhero movie opens in U.S. (examiner.com)
- The Avengers: Marvel Comics All-Star is a huge box-office hit, DC Comics, hardest hit (sipmac.blogspot.com)
Saturday, May 5, 2012
MSNBC Panel Determines Republican Brains Inferior To Liberal (The old bag of electoral tricks)
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Image from "The People's Cube" |
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Image from "The People's Cube" |
MSNBC Panel Determines Republican Brains Inferior To Liberal It's the eternal electoral cycle liberal bag of tricks. Figuring out that science is their "natural ally" (see Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva), the left has a classic combination of smears used to demean and belittle the opposition, making them resemble "the cavemen" and the leftists play the enlightened, condescending ones. This is taken right from the "School of Frankfurt" and T.A. Adorno playbooks.
1. Homophobes (read Conservatives) are secretly gay. Homophobia is a mental disease. Conservatives are mentally ill (See Homophobia as a mental disease in an election year: How convenient! By Paul Maršić). Check.
2. Liberal brains are rational, i.e., superior to conservative ones. (See What Makes People Vote Republican? By Jonathan Haidt) Check.
But as Angelo M. Codevilla said before in America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution:
Believing itself "scientific," this Progressive class sought to explain its differences from its neighbors in "scientific" terms. The most elaborate of these attempts was Theodor Adorno's widely acclaimed The Authoritarian Personality (1948). It invented a set of criteria by which to define personality traits, ranked these traits and their intensity in any given person on what it called the "F scale" (F for fascist), interviewed hundreds of Americans, and concluded that most who were not liberal Democrats were latent fascists. This way of thinking about non-Progressives filtered down to college curricula. In 1963-64 for example, I was assigned Herbert McCloskey's Conservatism and Personality (1958) at Rutgers's Eagleton Institute of Politics as a paradigm of methodological correctness. The author had defined conservatism in terms of answers to certain questions, had defined a number of personality disorders in terms of other questions, and run a survey that proved "scientifically" that conservatives were maladjusted ne'er-do-well ignoramuses. (My class project, titled "Liberalism and Personality," following the same methodology, proved just as scientifically that liberals suffered from the very same social diseases, and even more amusing ones.)
In other words, this is a game that conservatives can play, too.
In a nutshell - Those attempts are transparent and lame for those that recognize their periodicity and blatant bias. But Wait, there's more!
3. In some point of this electoral cycle, the alarms will be on, because the "extreme right, fundamentalist" websites will be "on the rise, breaking historical records."
Wanna bet?
3. In some point of this electoral cycle, the alarms will be on, because the "extreme right, fundamentalist" websites will be "on the rise, breaking historical records."
Wanna bet?
Related articles
- MSNBC Panel Lectures Conservatives On The Nature Of 'The Republican Brain' (mediaite.com)
- Homophobia as a mental disease in an election year: How convenient! (paulmarsic.wordpress.com)
- The Psychology Of Liberals And Conservatives (heartiste.wordpress.com)
- The Republican Brain (psychologytoday.com)
- Why Does William Saletan of Slate Fly the False Flag of Claiming to Be a Liberal? (delong.typepad.com)
- MSNBC Panel Determines Republican Brains Inferior To Liberal (The old bag of electoral tricks) (sipmac.blogspot.com)
Friday, May 4, 2012
#Julia may be Julia Smith
The 2012 presidential campaign is moving forward, so to speak. Barack Obama is pretty busy, both on the offensive and the defensive, and Mitt Romney's activity is rather reactive than proactive. Curious things happen just every week, and teachable moments arise every once in a while. Like, #Julia, the latest creation of the Barack Obama campaign:
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- "Julia" is Not Just One Voter (thedailybeast.com)
- Do you know Julia? (constitutionclub.org)
- New at Reason: "The Life of Julia (Libertarian Remix)" by Nick Gillespie and Meredith Bragg (txwclp.org)
- Hey Julia, it's Paul Ryan... (theblaze.com)
- Poor Little Julia (aleksandreia.com)
- Who the hell is Julia and why am I paying for her whole life? (humanevents.com)
- Conservatives Are Flipping Out Over 'Julia,' Obama's Mythical Poster Girl For His Policies On Women (businessinsider.com)
- New at Reason: "The Life of Julia (Libertarian Remix)" by Nick Gillespie and Meredith Bragg (reason.com)
- #Julia may be Julia Smith (sipmac.blogspot.com)
- The More Precise Life of Julia (pjmedia.com)
- Julia, oh Julia, the Heritage Foundation looks at what could be a better life for Julia (disruptthenarrative.com)
- Julia's True Life (youviewedblog.wordpress.com)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Demotivational Posters for early-May
Dolan memes can make you shudder, Pokememes can be too much arcane knowledge, Bronies make you think if Pedobear has got a new outlet, but there will always be the right meme for you. And the right demotivation. Enjoy this month's crop:
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- Chavez's tenure in one demotivational poster (procerprogresista.blogspot.com)
As long as you are a Democrat Fat Cat Banker, you won't face criminal charges
Janet Tavakoli: Renewed Hope that Jon Corzine, President Obama's Top Tier Campaign Bundler, Will Face Criminal Charges Jon Corzine is how a true one percenter looks like, and maybe thinks that his Democrat credentials and his top Obama-fundraiser status may spare him what he truly deserves because of his big-time money-embezzling ways. This is an opportunity for the DOJ and Barack Obama to make the prosecution of a undeserving fat cat banker a reality and to distance himself from what he always condemns.
“Jon’s a leader who’s been called to govern in some extraordinary times,” Obama said then. “Jon Corzine wasn’t just the first governor to pass an economic recovery plan for his state. He was an ally with the Obama administration in helping us develop a national recovery plan.”
Some ally.
See? If Barack Obama doesn't want his words haunting him in this particular case... nay, he would have done something way before this.
As long as you are a Democrat Fat Cat Banker, you won't face criminal charges.
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- POLITICAL FOOT-DRAGGING in the Jon Corzine probe? Well, he is one of Obama's top bundlers. Plus: ... (pjmedia.com)
- Corrupt and Disgrace Democrat, Jon Corzine of MF Global, Still Bundling For Obama (genomega1.wordpress.com)
- Hypocrisy is exposed (thegazette.com)
- "If You Ignore Corruption Like Obama, You Aren't a Witness- You Are An Accomplice" an essay by Brian (conservativesonfire.wordpress.com)
- Corzine is Going to be the Best Show Since Watergate (zerohedge.com)
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