Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SOPA/PIPA/CISPA: The Hydra that won't die now has Facebook approval

That Mark Zuckerberg kid of Facebook fame is eager to make even more enemies by supporting CISPA, the latest incarnation of SOPA/PIPA. He actually seems to enjoy the tagline of the PR movie "The Social Network", and it doesn't matter what his gazillion customers think. Besides, nobody seems to realize how the censorship advocates are entrenched in the goverment. Hilary Rosen might be famous now because of his dimwitted attack on Ann Romney, but she worked for the RIAA and was a staunch ally when SOPA/PIPA made their rounds thru the American Congress.

In Colombia a version of the SOPA/PIPA was already approved and the major players of the Internet were conspicuously absent of the debate. SOPA/PIPA advocates will fight this country by country. If Google, Wikipedia and all of those who oppose internet censorship don't realize that the USA will be the final chapter in this fight (not the only one), they will suffer the "death by a thousand cuts", and it will be too late for us puny internet peasants.

You can make 845 million enemies... overnight - Indeed
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.