Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Ninety-nine Percenter Confronts Barack Obama

You saw it here first, at sipmacrants! (Paul intended to post this at Opinion Renegada, but Wordpress is truly lousy and despicable with all things videos). In the meanwhile, the Occupiers are busy making plans for tomorrow, and want to make the first day of May relevant as it is in the rest of the world. But some of them are not missing the big picture here!

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The Zimmerman/Martin Case: I Blame Obama

Hello, I’m Jokerizedpaul and I blame Obama. The Zimmerman-Martin case was used from the very start for race-baiting and to paint the perceived adversaries of the Democrat-Mainstream Media Complex as the inciters of a gruesome murder of an innocent boy on his way to fulfill a selfless errand. In the midst of a very poisonous effort to blame republicans and conservatives in general for this, the only thing Barack Obama said is that if he had a son, it would look like Trayvon Martin.

I blame Obama. He actually did not say absolutely anything to stop the hatemongering of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Barack Obama should condemn the New Black Panthers for putting a reward on Zimmerman’s head.

I blame Obama. In Twitter there are a lot of people inciting riots because George Zimmerman is out on bail. It doesn’t matter anymore what kind of devil Zimmerman is: he was painted as a right-wing white mad vigilante, no matter that he is in fact a Latino and a registered democrat, worried about the security of the place where he used to live. Hate mongers still blame conservatives and republicans, and Obama does nothing to discourage this dangerous violent spiral.

I blame Obama. The prosecution speaks of murder two in a very irresponsible indictment, when all the known evidence points to involuntary manslaughter. The Department of Justice does not do absolutely anything to stop the New Black Panthers or the very credible threats on Twitter. By the Way, ever notice how governmental authorities proceeded swiftly in the Ted Nugent case and not in this case? Besides, Twitter does not expressly forbids death threats in its regulations?

I blame Obama. The self-anointed post partisan and post racial president is doing nothing to stop this progression of violence in a case woefully constructed by the mainstream media and the hate mongers as a racial issue. It’s because he feel this suits his reelection purposes? It’s because he wants to secure the black votes? It’s because he wants to galvanize his progressive proselytizers?

I want to be one hundred percent dead wrong, but in the meanwhile, and in absence of a very strong rebuttal, I will still blame Obama for all this.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Post No. 300: sipmacrants! Six Years of rants!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SOPA/PIPA/CISPA: The Hydra that won't die now has Facebook approval

That Mark Zuckerberg kid of Facebook fame is eager to make even more enemies by supporting CISPA, the latest incarnation of SOPA/PIPA. He actually seems to enjoy the tagline of the PR movie "The Social Network", and it doesn't matter what his gazillion customers think. Besides, nobody seems to realize how the censorship advocates are entrenched in the goverment. Hilary Rosen might be famous now because of his dimwitted attack on Ann Romney, but she worked for the RIAA and was a staunch ally when SOPA/PIPA made their rounds thru the American Congress.

In Colombia a version of the SOPA/PIPA was already approved and the major players of the Internet were conspicuously absent of the debate. SOPA/PIPA advocates will fight this country by country. If Google, Wikipedia and all of those who oppose internet censorship don't realize that the USA will be the final chapter in this fight (not the only one), they will suffer the "death by a thousand cuts", and it will be too late for us puny internet peasants.

You can make 845 million enemies... overnight - Indeed
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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rage Comic! Conservative women are attacked with impunity!

This is it. Sandra Fluke apparently was shattered with Rush Limbaugh's inappropiate remarks, but it's completely ok if Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter get the same treatment. Now Ann Romney gets the most vile attacks in Twitter. Her crime: being a wealthy stay-at-home mom. Is this the new tone? Where's the outrage of the MSM?
Rage! Conservative women are attacked with impunity!

This *proven* selective outrage of the MSM is despicable.
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Friday, April 6, 2012

Demotivational Posters for early-April

Another month, another big, hot pile of traditional demotivational posters April 2012 Edition; only here, at your sipmacrants! Enjoy!

Thanks to all those public figures that make my work a lot easier.

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