Friday, March 9, 2012

A trial that could excel in broadcasting Rush's victory

A New York Times reporter once estimated that Rush Limbaugh utters aprox. 10.000 words per broadcast. The entertainer admitted that everything he says goes unscripted — quite an achievement since not even his most bitter detractors can detect a single moment of hesitation in his monologues.

But spontaneity has a price when you go unscripted, and even scripted shows fall into traps. You just simple make a single mistake, and in the current political ambient, you will pay dearly for that. Democrats (and Barack Obama) cannot campaign this time trusting in their achievements, because there are none. The option is to go negative all the way. The whole debate about the free-contraception-provision in Obamacare was already way hotter than enough before The Sandra Fluke Affair. Limbaugh is confident now after a very messy maelstrom predictably capitalized by his enemies who rub their hands with joy every time America’s Anchorman loses a sponsor. He even hinted he did all this in purpose.

We’ll soon see if this is true. He even said in today’s show that democrats and liberals always overreach, and he might be right, because celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, in a letter from yesterday and allegedly in the name of Women’s Equal Rights Legal Defense and Education Fund, asked Michael McAuliffe to probe whether El Rushbo had violated Section 836.04 of the Florida Statutes by calling Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke two unpleasant names. McAuliffe is the Palm Beach County State Attorney.

“Dadelut, dadelut, dadelut!” might be Limbaugh’s words of choice for a lawsuit at this time, civil or penal. The liberal Democrat Party-Mainstream Media Complex went in an all-out war against Maha Rushie. They sense this time they can destroy the political commentator with the highest ratings in America. They want blood.

The initial backlash has being fading away because the monolithic response of the New Media and the conservative and libertarian pundits. The hemorrhage of sponsors has stopped and even there are some of them begging to come back. A brilliant point of the conservatives fighting back has been dragging into the arena the attitudes of liberal comedians-commentators like Bill Maher and David Letterman and their evil, sexist deeds. Maher felt the danger in this strategy and has already asked the Complex to stop.

And Limbaugh only has to stay quiet and let Allred do all the work until he has his day in court. A lot of people, even liberals would scream ”witch hunt” faster than a Fisker Karma breaks down. Imagine a man that can utter 10.000 words in three hours without a script telling his side of the story in front of national television, how the Democratic Party, the Mainstream Media and the liberal elite is eager to destroy him by any means necessary, even by using the judiciary as a weapon. No matter how the prosecutor would paint him as a devil, he only would come out as the underdog… and a martyr. This could change the very course of the presidential election.

Gloria Allred couldn’t make him a bigger favor.
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.