Thursday, September 8, 2011

Public Service Announcement: How the Future will look (Timetable)

Right now, the Euro Zone might be imploding, just the way the American economy is. Glad we can count on Hollywood to discover what's next! Stanley Kubrick missed it with 2001 (Obama shut down the space shuttle program, now we're relying on archaic Soyuz technology for space travel), but darn he nailed it perfect with a Clockwork Orange. To be fair, the following timetable missed what paired with Lady Gaga might be the Rosetta Stone of human involution - Idiocracy:

The link to watch it full-size is here.

Time is on my side, anyway. The mineshaft is still closed and full of highly desirable women.
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.