Saturday, July 2, 2011

If you really, really want to know a firsthand account about conservatism...

… not a biased one, and you don’t have time even for a crash course then you should check the #tcot:

Ann Coulter: sarcasm with a no-prisoners approach. With 8 New York Times-listed bestsellers, and not a single review by them. Why?

Iowahawk: best living satirist in the USA! People in the other team wish they were with them!

Mark Steyn: Irony combined with erudition.

Rush Limbaugh: A William F. Buckley with humor and charisma for the masses. Feared by the left because of his alleged “hypnotic” powers that keep tuned to his radio show about 20 million listeners from Monday to Friday. Biggest radio personality in the States. Bigger than Howard Stern.

Dennis Miller: he found out that life was more than “Saturday Night Live”.

Greg Gutfeld: his humorous 3AM show “Red Eye” has MORE audience than MOST CNN shows.

Cynthia Yockey: a conservative lesbian that learned the hard way that the left was not for her. And she knows a thing or two about neuroscience!

And maybe you should read…

Advanced Readings:

Fiat Money Inflation in FranceAndrew Dickson White
The Road to SerfdomFriedrich A. Hayek
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.