Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Floating Opportunity in Colombias' Katrina

I would like to thank Mr. Cameron Sinclair and the Huffington Post for providing somehow the coverage this humanitari­an and environment­al catastroph­e is lacking in the U.S. mainstream media. Even if it stopped raining now, the difficulti­es wouldn't stop there, since 2 Million colombians have been already damaged by the heavy rains and the floods.

Anyway, fortunatel­y the government and authoritie­s are aiming big this time and they really want to tackle several problems underlying and predating the current state of affairs. There's already talks of abandoning old settlement­s and starting new, safer and better ones.

The U.S. aid have been a major factor to stop the flooding in several areas, I have to add. Those americans who are helping in the engeneerin­g tasks have already realized this emergency wasn't any different from what the Katrina hurricane already did in New Orleans.

To all these people, I would like to say thanks, too.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.