Monday, October 18, 2010

Why the U.K. media deserve Rupert Murdoch: Somebody has to teach them how to compete. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine

Another Dr. sipmac wannabe!
A bunch of bureaucrats making a living with your money happily decide what is good for you, restricting deliberately your choices, arguing obscure reasons like "the ether is already full", and making nearly impossible to compete (not to mention entering the game) with regulations growing everywhere like brush. Then comes Mr. Moneybags and overcomes the regulations and begins to profit from them, too.

In the meanwhile, nobody seems to care about the threats the freedom of expression had to face and still faces in Britain. You have to really get along with the established order to have a chance and get into privileged media. ¿Commercial radio competition allowed only in 1973? That reeks so of fascism...

Sorry, but the BBC has too much power for its own good. And sorry, but it was the British government and its protégés that paved the way for a Rupert Murdoch. They still think in making all kinds of dubious arrangements despising everybody else. That's the sense of the well-documented article (by far one of the best articles of the year here in Slate).
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.