Sunday, June 27, 2010

I love you Phillip Morris (A Dr. sipmac’s review in the first person!)

***Warning – Contains Spoilers***
I confess that since I read a couple of reviews and the non-controversy originated by the strange situation of a movie with such A-Listers like Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor cannot find mainstream audiences, I was more than curious to watch the movie and see what’s the fuzz about it, and maybe write a review, too. As a matter of fact I have sort of a project for the blog about four summer “movie reviews”. I have already started with “Kick Ass”, and if I am able to make the four reviews, I will create a special tag for it.
As for the movie, obviously it is not your everyday topic: a man named Steven Russell reliving his life story in which we found (in a horrible way) he’s adopted, later he finds out his biological mother does not want to know anything about him and in one of the crucial moments of the movie, we learn he’s gay and he decides finally to live as such. One can understand the motivations of the character; he tries then to compensate what he had to put up with all these gone years and tries to lead a wealthy lifestyle. The problem is that this ex cop becomes a con artist, and eventually gets caught. Now in prison, he knows the love of his life, Philip Morris.
The love scenes give some kind of impression: that for all that matters; Philip and Steven are so in love that in their minds they could be at a five-star resort at the beach instead of the slammer. A big achievement of this movie, without a doubt. Things are going to get messy from here, but in a comedic way. If you want to watch the film, I think I’ll spare you the rest.
As for the lack of promotion and why this movie is not being distributed, it is said that the gay theme is the reason of this. Homophobia is alive and well, but somehow this is not the complete explanation. Some kisses and rough sex scenes in the era of Redtube and Pornhub? Puh-leeze. The movie is already R-rated. As a love story, it works pretty well, both actors did it great, even if it is somewhat disgusting how Steven Russell spends his live by literally and figuratively screwing people. As Seinfeld said: “Not that there’s anything wrong with that…(being gay)”, but the con man stuff is something else, not easy to digest. That's why I didn't dig "Catch Me if You Can". The characters are sympathetic, but Russell's actions are not. Is as enjoyable as Big Daddy feeding poison and hate to Hit-Girl in "Kick-Ass", if you think closely about it.

Add to this the “Bush did it” stuff, and finally we're getting there. Obama is already in the second year of his term, and the “I blame Bush” game is getting a little old, even if he had a responsibility with the life sentencing of the real-life Steven Russell.
I don’t know how to say it differently, but the film gets damaged for good when it gets in the activist mode in the very last minutes.
But as I said, good movie anyway. And deserves to be watched several times.

Dr. sipmac
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I hate these days. People are telling you to STFU. Just say it, no matter how stupid or offensive it is.