Monday, December 3, 2012

The logical conclusion: Now plain antisemitism and old-fashioned racism are trendy again in Harvard

Students in all nine River Houses received sealed invitations under their doors early Friday morning professing to come from “Harvard’s Newest Final Club”—with the inflammatory statements that “Jews need not apply” and “Coloreds OK.”

The enclosed flyer, bearing a crest of a griffin encircled by a laurel wreath, invited recipients to the first introductory punch event of the purported social club “The Pigeon.”

To my astonishment I've found out now it is fashionable and trendy in social networks to show undiluted hatred and mean hostility toward Jews because of "Gaza". I cannot believe my eyes with the level of disinformation showed by teens and young adults about the Israeli-Arab conflict. People I know and I care for inexplicably can't believe that the Palestinians and the Muslims in general are deadly serious about Jew annhilation and the obliteration of the Israeli state. In such an enviroment, it's perfectly understandable why these kind of sick "pranksters" can thrive in Harvard and anywhere else.

Now let the troll-hate-fest begin in the comments section.