Saturday, September 29, 2012

Late-September Demotivational Mememania!

Celebs and politicians keep making my job easier, so thanks to them. I have a big stack of memes, so you better enyoy it. sipmacrants! is as demotivational and memetic as ever!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

You can get away with intellectual dishonesty at Harvard

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Shakespeare’s supercliché doesn’t begin to describe what is going on in Harvard. With time, it’s natural to expect a hidden skeleton in a family’s house. But in Harvardian Alma Mater there seems to be a full ossuary in plain wiew, for those who like to keep track and don’t buy the way the mainstream media oversees this, and it’s evident that more than a culture of plagiarizing has set camp in the most prestigious college in America. It’s more of a “We can get away with anything” culture. 

Witness Fareed Zakaria. This particularly egregious Harvard alumnus, one of the shapers of the current derrotist American state of mind, has been caught red-handed plagiarizing paragraphs from the New Yorker for a piece he wrote for Time Magazine and CNN, and “repeating himself” in a lot of his conferences. He was “temporarily” suspended, and cynically reinstated after his deed was deemed as an “isolated incident”. And Jayson Blair is a sucker

Witness Elizabeth Warren. She has done very little of substance to refute the serious charges of gaming the affirmative action system to get hired in Harvard, only to drop her minority status when she no longer found it suitable, only to conveniently reclaim it now that she’s running against Scott Brown for “Ted Kennedy’s” senatorial seat in Massachusetts. Not satisfied with this, she claims to be the first nursing woman to pass the bar exam in the bluest of the blue states in America. Not content with this, she has been caught red-handed plagiarizing receipts for a “native” cookbook. And she still has a chance to win the election

Witness 125 Harvard University undergraduates being investigated for plagiarism on a final exam earlier this year, “the most widespread cheating scandal in living memory”, according to college officials. Hey, I told you those brilliant kids study at Harvard; and they think they can get away with anything

The list could go on and on, but just by mentioning SCOTUS Elena Kagan and her mishandling of yet another plagiarism case when she was the dean of Harvard Law School, for instance, it could suffice to prove how the “We can get away with anything” culture permeates everything. The fact is, the most famous college in America is more concerned with political correctness and influence than with academic excellence, and this is what they get. 

Not to mention truth.
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Monday, September 10, 2012

Suicide prevention day: no laughing matter

The unfortunate constant is that almost nobody sees it coming until is too late.

Three decades of decades ago, a couple had an argument. The wife drank a bottle of lye impulsively, but she could be saved by her quick-thinking husband.

Individuals with in a fit of anger commit suicide on impulse.
A navy officer once visited a secretary to give her some official paperwork. He was talking proudly of his son, who precisely was taking his life at that moment.

Parents idealize their own children, failing to discover if something is wrong with them.
Another couple was having a heated discussion and the husband decided that the best way he could make a point was by taking an overdose of sleeping pills in front of her wife. He came to his senses and went straight to the hospital to detox himself. He barely made it.

Pride makes you take foolish decisions.

My only and humble advice to all my readers would be: be nice to your neighbor. Bullying would be a laugh riot for you but you shouldn’t be pushing somebody to take their live. You are not responsible for their live, but there’s no sense in pushing a person to the edge. Try to shut up instead, if you can’t say something nice.

Don’t speak ill about psychiatry or psychology. Don’t demean what pastors or priests can do. They are in the business of saving lives. If you belittle them, you might be closing the door for somebody that needs to cross it.

Be nice and polite. A smile or a sincere compliment could make the difference.

It’s no laughing matter.

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Monday, September 3, 2012

Demotivational Posters for early-September

The task: Define the last August 2012 with a bunch of demotivational posters, in the vein of the sipmac team. Because It’s time again for our traditional demotivational posters, September 2012 Edition!

Thanks to all those public figures that make my work a lot easier.