Tuesday, June 19, 2012

This is not for you @MandaSwaggie

internet memes - Pfft! Kids!
see more Memebase and check out our Troll Face lols!

You confirmed in Twitter that you are a true Belieber. This is for the rest of us. But If you want to go ahead reading, be my guest. I won't bite you, metaphorically of literally speaking. Mrs. Amanda Bibier, have you ever heard about the Sex Pistols? I'm sure you didn't. And yes, the never won a single award. Never. They even have in the late Sid Vicious the dubious honor of having the worst bassist ever. Somehow, in spite of ther shortcomings and their lack of quality they managed to change the history of rock by rescueing it from being too safe for the masses. 

You may laugh if you learn the fact that the only Rolling Stones album that sold more than 10 million copies is Hot Rocks, a compilation of their hits of the sixties. For all the buzz and admiration they still generate, they have never been best sellers that much. Nevertheless, they have scored a huge amount of songs that shaped rock n' roll, they were truly The Biggest Rock n' Roll Band on Earth and set the template for many badass rock bands to come. 

Amanda, you surely can give squat to all the things former Beatle George Harrison achieved, but you may also find hilarious that even him got dumped from his record label when the execs deemed him a loser. The next album he scored another number one for his long list of achievements, but he suffered the humiliation anyway. 

The fact is that if Kurt Cobain were alive, he wouldn't care less for Twitter accounts or blogging, like his widow does. But with his band Nirvana, he launched the last rock revolution of history, before it melted into irrelevant pap. With that revolution, he managed to kill hair metal by kicking it squarely in the nuts. He helped replace it with something more clever and ambitious. Then he couldn't handle it anymore and decided to kill himself. That said Amanda, you may realize that all those rock giants had their fair share of failures and embarrassments. But if given the choice, I would always chose the influential Ramones, that never sold well but influenced big than the Bibier path, that only consists of selling a gazillion records and nothing else. Hey, even the Ramones had groupies! 

See the difference now? No, I'm not asking if you care, only if you see the difference, Amanda. And have a nice day.
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Friday, June 15, 2012

How doomed is Greece?

According to Business Insider, it would be more correct to ask since when Greece is doomed. And boy, it's been for a long time. Today a couple of paragraphs of a French book about Greece were featured, and the recount of facts *of 1858*(!) looks suspiciously resembling the current ones. Profligate spending, tax evasion was already the national sport, and the broke country was already at the mercy of its debtors. When such things are so deeply ingrained in the national psyche, it is impossible to enact a working social contract. Nobody wants to play the fool if knowing that there's another willing and able to take advantage.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Madonna flashes: At 53, it reeks of desperation

Madonna flashes: Give it a rest! At 53, all you're exposing is desperation says LIZ JONES | Mail Online: "Madonna, who is 53 years old and a mother several times over, stripped off [live in Istambul], flashing her right breast at the audience.

Do we really need to see superannuated former sex symbols flaunting their erogenous zones?"

This is it. One thing is Lady Gaga with "Born this Way", stealing some bars from the already stolen "Express Yourself", and another is Madonna trying to out-Gaga her confessed admirer. Yep, it looks like Madge were already on her way out of relevance. 

She can't shock anymore unless she goes full psychotic.  

But kudos anyway for doing her thing in a particularly risky (heh) place: Istambul. Gaga couldn't sell her outrage in Indonesia, so it is sort of a point for Madonna, after all.
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Germany to Obama: Don't Dream, It's Over

This is how dithyramb looks like.
Pew Survey Shows Germans Disillusioned by the US and President Obama - SPIEGEL ONLINE: "In retrospect, hopes for an Obama presidency were unrealistically high, especially among Europeans. There was little Obama-bounce for the American image outside of Europe after Obama's election. And while there was significant improvement around the world in the approval of the US president in the wake of the transition from Bush to Obama, only in China and Japan did the new wunderkind's popularity reach European levels."

The fact is, that a lot of people in the world, not Germany alone, were waiting for a demigod instead of a man. They were projecting their wishes against the blank canvas Obama himself admitted to be, with NO supporting evidence, just blind faith. In a way, those people are still deluded because they don't recognize what they did wrong when they put that blind faith in somebody with no real record on absolutely anything. Just only because the man talked big and looked competent.

In the YouTube Hall of Shame there will ever be the snippets of the German-produced "Obama - The Musical", to always remember what naivete looks like.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

RIP Ray Bradbury, the First Martian

All hail Mr. Bradbury, the First Martian!
I’m not a Ray Bradbury erudite, but I’m mourning his demise anyway. As I said with my Jorge Luis Borges post before, a good writer can claim posterity with a powerful image, like Cervantes’ Don Quixote tilting at windmills. And boy did Mr. Bradbury succeed with that. The image of firefighter Montag burning books or that of Carl Sagan in the Cosmos minisieries clearly evoking The Martian Chronicles, by stating that with terraforming Mars the Martians would be us is enough to claim a huge success.

It wonderful that a sci-fi writer, usually associated with hi-tech vocabulary and prosaic writing could use such powerful imaginaries and lyricism in his writing style. But sci-fi is still a poor man in the literary banquet (Just imagine Bradbury’s or Asimov’s Nobel Prize acceptance speeches! No, it won’t happen anyway.), because of a stubborn pretentiousness that puts politics before art and originality.

And boy Mr. Bradbury’s oeuvre is artsy and original. To highlight, the Fahrenheit 451’s discourse in which why reading books and being an intellectual deserves scorn (Take that, Nobel Prize committee!), or how the book predated the isolating trend of the current social networks and iPods (Go ask Guy Montag’s wife)!

But what I like the most of what Mr. Bradbury did, is that he did equate books with happiness, thru the heroine of Fahrenheit 451.

God rest your soul, Mr. Bradbury. And thank you.
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