Monday, May 23, 2011

A-Holes of 2011 - First Semester Edition!

Well, we have undoubtedly a plump, juicy year full of certified, blue-ribbon A-Holes! So let's start with the festivities and an early countdown for the semester:

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Arnoldo Suáreznegrete screwed it up the big time; he sired an illegitimate child and didn't fess it up immediatly to his wife, Maria Shriver. In the meanwhile, he continued his movie career and became governor of California. His tenure betrayed the same lack of integrity, leaving the Golden State in worse shape than he received it. His projects to revitalise his career went belly up with the uproar the scandal generated. Now a "Terminator 5" is put on hold, and a comic book super heroe with a "Family Values Man" background, that saves the planet in the guise of "The Governator" is completely abandoned. Way to go, Ahnold!

Lars Von Trier: a beloved artsy filmmaker in the exclusive Cannes clique, decides to promote his new flick "Melancholia" by declaring his admiration for Hitler and then gets expelled from the Festival by being declared persona non grata. I'm sure Von Trier must think at least something turned ok for him: he must be earning a nice entry on Metapedia!

Charlie Sheen: his transition from highest paid tv-actor to Trivia Pursuit material is running as smooth as expected. His "Violent Torpedo of Truth" One-Man-Show tour is in full decline and Chuck Lorre Productions hired a replacement for the Two and a Half Men Sitcom: Ashton Kutcher. Disgust disguised as good-luck wishes betrays the fact that the most viewed episode of the series will be the first featuring Ashton, even if the sitcom gets cancelled in the same season. #Winning Trifecta!

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: the epitome of the french nouveau ancien regime. A former communist turned socialist that likes to spend the night in US$ 3.000 a night hotel rooms. As head of the IMF, is the key holder of the world casino - normal rules do not apply to him. So the Great Seducer (no kidding, he was known that way) allegedly attempted to rape an african maid and then flee to France for cover, a la Roman Polanski. He must be facing the worst destiny he ever feared: a fair trial.

Masataka Shimizu: less known but not less deserving of this scorn-a-thon. The president of Tepco made through negligence and immoral cheapness the Fukushima Disaster possible. I do not recommend seppuku, but jail time could be an option for his evil deeds and not facing the music.

Newt Gringrich: the textbook case on how not to run for president of the United States. Chapter 1: Why attacking fellow GOPers alienates followers. Chapter 3: Why having a half-a-million dollars jewelry store unpaid bill is a nightmarish decision. Chapter 7: Why reversing oneself on early declarations qualifies you as the John Kerry of the right.

Michael Moore: I thought of him writing a book called "How to be a Socialist with Other People's Money while keeping an eye on yours", but the title is too long to be deemed "commercial". I'll repeat it: He's a stupid white man. Can't wait so see him teaming up with Olbermann. Greatest comedy couple ever!

Keith Olbermann/Al Gore: to complete the losers all-stars team at Current TV, Al Gore hired and offered ownership of a worthless tv network to someone fired from a failed cable news outlet with a extremely bad rep with his co-workers. This is the guy that wants to save us from global warming an this is the way he does business.
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Friday, May 13, 2011

Superman takes his foot out of his mouth - he remembers what the American Way is.

If you think that nothing can top liberté, égalité, fraternité as a mantra, is because you never thought of American Way, or if you did it, you were sure it was about something related to reckless consumerism and waste of resources. The noisy and rude apostasy of Superman, as depicted in the Action Comics # 900 issue didn't help, either. Superman may have had a crisis of confidence and a lot of bad judgment to match it, but it seems that the only unalterable rule for superheroes is “make always a big comeback”. Heck, even Don Quixote had his second tome of adventures, after an evil doppelganger incarnation known as Quixote de Avellaneda threatened to tarnish his reputation.

Not to mention some sci-fi heroes that came back from the dead to save the day.

Superman redeems himself – he explains what the American Way is, and for those with a mindset in full American-imperialism-hate mode, a poignant definition of the American Way by none other than the man of steel:

“That’s what America is about, really. That’s the American way. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – and second chances. None of us are forced to be anything we don’t want to be. When I was young I know that I would be someone different when I grew up. I would leave home and make a new life for myself. A new start, a second chance. When I first went to Metropolis, it was full of people who’d done the same thing. People from all over America – from over the world - who went to the city to live the lives they anted – to be the people they wanted to be. That’s the idea that America was founded on, but it’s not just for the people born here, it’s for everyone. And it’s for people like me and Livewire too.”
Freedom to be yourself, no matter your gender, sexual orientation, background, race… you name it. In a country without oppressive authorities micro-regulating your life from sunrise to sunset, having to ask permission to follow and fulfill your dreams. Most immigrants like the progenitors of supes’ real-life same sex-parents (Jerry and Joe) came to America for a second chance denied by their homelands.

The best Superman stories have always been about his personal values, not his superpowers.

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Superman the Apostate

Well. well, well. It is a not-so-known fact that fictional characters (ahem), specially comic-book characters cannot act against their own psychology, or if you pardon my french, their raison d'être. Superman came a long way into becoming a full-blown liberal, but in Action Comics 900th commemorative edition, he finally jumps the shark for good.

Jerome Siegel and Joseph Shuster, with immigrant blood themselves, made their magnum opus to stand for “truth, justice, the American way”, and if Kal-El, a.k.a. Clark Kent, a.k.a. the Man of Steel, a.k.a the Man of Tomorrow wants to renounce his american citizenship, well... this is it. Supes must be stronger than a locomotive, but has the political reasoning of a drunk frat boy. Instead of defending his given set of values with even more energy, he becomes more concerned with appearances and what America's enemies think.

Or as I said in "I Hate the Media":
Supes is not a plain old fashioned superhero anymore. To catch up with current trends he became a PC-tree-hugging-hippie-metrosexual-leftist-airhead-globalist community organizer!

Yes, I'm back! In your face, Maršić!
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