Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sarah and Barack: The new Archies

No matter how many times that dreaded Paul Maršić tries to paint old Dr. sipmac as a heartless but senile schemer, he does have a soft spot. Yesterday he had to face certain defeat that made him feel depressed, but today he came back to his normal self. Why is that? Because he has the latest news about Archie Comics: a December edition will feature Sarah Palin and Barack Obama.

No matter how many people will dismiss this as a naïve (and desperate for circulation increases) gimmick from Archie Comics to draw readers, (very conviniently after introducing its first gay character), and that such political opponents could never get along. But hey, if there's a place where people can get along, it must be comic books.

And I like the Archie characters.
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Jon Stewart Joke Makes It Onto Glenn Beck's Book Jacket (PHOTO)

[Start rant]

It is not as absurd as you may think. To quote those blurbs, first from a newspaper that NEVER recognized in its time (the 1930's) the famine and mass murders of the stalinist soviet union and fails to recognize that cover up even now, then from a guy always willing to criticize Bush et al., but not the current president (truth to power!), well, if you consider those facts, then those blurbs are almost a badge of honor. That Beck guy may not be as kook and dumb as the MSM want to paint it, for sure.

[End rant]
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Ingrid of the Jungle

A Dr. sipmac translation (original text taken from Tijera Press)

"This should never have happened. Everything was so crystal clear in my mind: Larry King, Oprah, then the Nobel Prize, best-selling books about my captivity in Spanish, English and French, a major motion picture in Hollywood, the Awards ceremony, negligence lawsuit against the Colombian state, the presidency, and then ... " Perhaps I exaggerate, but more than one of these things certainly thought Ingrid Betancourt during and after his captivity. The story of her mighty tantrum originated because she didn't win the Nobel Peace Prize says a lot.

Accustomed as we are to their miscalculations, it took us completely by surprise the obvious: writers Serge Scotto and Eric Stoffel, teamed up with illustrator Richard di Martino and prepared between July 2008 and December 2009 the perfect blow to the arrogance and ambition of the former hostage, a comic satire of her well known behavior in and out of captivity. A simple idea, but it never ocurred until now in this proud land of "humorists".

Currently scheduled to go on sale one week before the captivity memoir "There is no silence that does not end", the graphic satire and is already an Internet sensation. The web forums are full of prospective buyers, willing to buy a Spanish version.

Yet to be known is if the parody will be successful in France, where there was certainly a lot of backlash, and saturation with everything having to do with Ingrid Betancourt; but is almost certain that it could be completely successful in the country that loves to hate her. Meanwhile, she continues with its strong levels of unpopularity, which I doubt can be alleviated with an exclusive interview with reputed writer and intellectual Héctor Abad. Even Larry King at its best couldn't have been able to rescue her image. Another gaffetastic miscalculation.

We should recall that her first miscalculation was to enter a combat zone in spite of the warnings.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yep, Obama's looking for a New Nobel Prize!

Dear Abby:

I'm the president of a very powerful nation that doesn't deserve that power at all. Until now, I did manage my best to make my country become another one among the others, from kowtowing to foreign monarchs and assorted despots, to offering kind gestures to undeserving tyrants and finally, by running the economy into the ground by creating permanent humongous deficits and rising the unemployment to European levels, all in the name of equality and spreading the wealth (just like my wife recently did with the taxpayers' money in her Europe vacation. The PIIGS are truly in desperate need).

I thought my people would appreciate all this (after all, I am the smart one), but no! All those ungrateful peasants are still clinging to their guns and their religion (Apparently, they didn't get Mr. Hawking's pleasant news: there's no need for a God for the universe to exist). No matter what my independent media does, these hicks don't want to listen to them but only to their own fellow hicks. And, as you might know by now, the race card is already maxed out.

Oh, this weakness of mine! I need to grab attention and recognition, and I deserve all the recognition and attention I can grab. I can't truly understand why my global audience systematically try to tie me to all the environmental fiascoes when I promised that with all my sacred legislation the oceans would recede. You might be fooled thinking I've got all the absolute congressional majorities needed to pass any piece of legislation, but I assure you it is all those darn Republicans that are blocking my initiatives.

Abby, I need a break. So I decided to launch my new inspirational book for children in October. 'Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters', full of profiles that will draw all the attention and admiration I need to nurture this weakness of mine. And maybe this way I will win another Nobel Prize this year (Two years in a row -- In your face, everybody!). The more I think about it, the more I tremble because of the brilliance of my plan. The people will be seduced again to vote democrat in November by reading my shining prose (it will be mandatory in schools, for sure), and I will keep my majorities in Congress.

Oh, dear Abby; I thought I needed your help, but as usual, this is not the fact. Thanks anyway. As a token of my appreciation of you, I think you may keep this letter. Who knows how much insight it might give to my future biographers (and autobiographers).

Very truly yours,

The One


Dear One:

There's a pair of very special clothes I think would suit you for your new Nobel Prize acceptance ceremony...